Introducing Ajay Bruno

Day 548, 16:57 Published in USA USA by Aang Airbender

I do not claim to know who Ajay Bruno is, but I can tell you this, He is not congressional material!

It is rather apparent how much Ajay Bruno knows about the inner workings of Erepublik. He seems to have this idea that the centerpiece of my congressional term was to propose a bill that donated to the church of lewdaism. He is FLAT WRONG! here is a link to his platform:

There are many things that I have done in congress, I have voted on legislation ranging from peace treaties to budget proposals, Military funding. I have added my voice to a chorus of others that want to help people all across this nation who wanted to be a stronger people. As a member of the budget committee, I was able to vote on legislation that got much needed funding to the Military, as well as funding for war games!

What Ajay Bruno apparently does not know is that most of what congress gets done is done on the E-USA forums. Yes, some legislation is proposed in game, but the voting and distribution of funds, and all debates about taxes happens on the forums here:

If Ajay Bruno really wants to represent his state, he would do his research before implying that I made a mockery of my office. Atlantis is not the alliance that it once was, but it was a great institution. I have been a member of the military for a long time, I have donated my time and my money to this country, the fact that Mr. Bruno is trying to claim that I have somehow failed the State of Colorado or the Country is ludicrous!

I urge you to look at Mr. Bruno's record, Oh that is right, he does not have one. Last I checked, Mr. Bruno has not been even been seen on any of the congressional boards, he has not been seen anywhere on the forums, we do not know what Mr. Bruno Actually stands for! For all I know, Mr. Bruno could be a PEACE operative!

EDIT: He is not a PEACE operative

here is a link to my voting recor😛

A vote for Ajay Bruno is a vote against everything that the Congress and the President has been working for for the past three months. Consider what the PANEC taxes have done for the people, they have brought us war games, and therefore they have made us a stronger nation (litterally). Sacrifice is the name of the game, who is willing to sacrifice more for their state and country, I already have a proven record of doing that, does Ajay Bruno?

Being able to write lies and slander does not qualify anyone to be a Congressman!

Vote for the person who has the experience and the record to lead, Vote Aang Airbender

I approve this message, and you should too!

Aang Airbender
A.A.P. Congressman, Colorado