Colorado Candidacy Announcement

Day 547, 09:36 Published in USA South Africa by Ajay Bruno

Fellow citizens of Colorado and of the United States of America, it is my distinct honor to announce my candidacy to be the next Senator from this great state. I will lay out some campaign promises that I will pledge to fulfill in my first term should the voters grace me with their support to carry out the duties of this office. The people of Colorado deserve only the best and most responsible representation and I will work tirelessly to be sure that this is the case.

My opponent, Aang Airbender, has made a mockery of this office. I feel that the people are overtaxed and that the government has grossly misused our money and the trust that comes along with it. Yet, Senator Airbender's top priority was to propose a bill for the government to fund his friend's "Church of Lewdaism." This doesn't improve the eRepublik experience for anyone but his personal cronies and what is even worse, is that he is using our tax dollars to do it! I pledge that I will carry out this office with the utmost character and integrity and will never abuse my position in such a way.

He even says in his re-election announcement that one of his promises was to "Support the all important PANEC taxes", because as you know, those taxes are needed to help finance his crony's Church. I say it is time for we the people to throw out failed corrupt politicians like Mr. Airbender and to put in responsible leadership. As your Senator I will pledge to introduce bills that will lower your taxes and lessen the burden that the people of our state feel. By lowering taxes we will keep industry in this country, and by increasing the competition average salaries will increase in the process. We cannot stifle the free market, instead we must encourage it to prosper and grow.

My opponent also seems obsessed with the well-being of ATLANTIS. Perhaps his top priority should be the well-being of Coloradans and of the United States before being concerned about the interests of foreign powers. Our country and its security must always come first. We need a Senator who will make US the TOP priority, and not simply one among many others. As your Senator, I will always place the interests of the United States first and foremost above all others. He may believe in ATLANTIS, but I for one believe in the United States, the hope of the world, and the shining city on a hill that Ronald Reagan once said we were.

Finally, my opponent places an emphasis on the need to "sacrifice". We do not need to sacrifice our real life endeavors for eRepublik. The two can go hand-in-hand. Instead of asking the voters to put aside their pressing personal interests for the good of the state (which reaks of virtual Communism), I ask that regardless of how much time you devote to our virtual nation, to use it to further your own financial endeavors and to make our country stronger in the process.

In closing, I believe strongly that we are urgently in need of capable, responsible and focused leadership to represent this state's interests and help steer our nation in the right direction. If you want lower taxes, prosperous business and industry and greater security for America, then I ask for your vote on May 25th.

Thank You & God Bless

Ajay Bruno

Life. Liberty. Leadership.

Bruno for Colorado Senate