Guide to the Battlefield

Day 1,256, 10:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stefan1992
Hello, and welcome to the third edition of these guides. In this article, the battlefield will be discussed. Often people lose their health by not understanding how to fight properly, so this guide will help you in preventing making those mistakes.

How the Battle Works
The objective of the battle is to cause the counter (pictured above) to reach 1800 points. How is this achieved? Every time you defeat an opponent, the amount of damage you make is added up to your side. The bar at the top shows the percentage of damage your side has done and the enemy. As long as your side (which is always blue) is above 50%, you will receive points every minute. Here is the distribution of points depending on how far into the battle the time is:

01-30 Minutes: 10 points per minute.
31-60 Minutes: 20 points per minute.
61-90 Minutes: 30 points per minute.
91-120 Minutes: 60 points per minute.

In each battle, there can be a minimum of 8 mini-battles and a maximum of 15. Each mini-battle ends when one side reaches 1800 points. This means each mini-battle will last between 90 and 120 minutes. After each mini-battle there is a 5 minute intermission before the next one begins. The first side to win 8 mini-battles wins the entire battle.

This is the button that does it all. The most important part of the battlefield, it is where you commit to increase the damage on your side. But before you push that button, think about this: Do you have enough money to pay for the food to recover your lost health? It is important to know that you lose 10 health for every time you push that fight button. You can regain up to 300 health through consuming food a day. You may have heard of being able to use hospitals, but these are very hard to find and disappear in seconds. So it’s best to think they don’t even exist. An enemy might take one to eight or more fights to eliminate, depending on the health, strength and weapon of that person.

This shows what type of weapon either you or your opponent has. This picture above represents someone with no weapon. As stated in the previous article, each quality of a weapon you have will increase your total damage by 20%, so for example, a Q3 weapon will give you a 60% damage increase. You will always lose 10 health per time you fight, but if your enemy has a weapon, it will mean you need to inflict more damage to defeat that person.

Every time you defeat an enemy, your damage is added to the overall influence of your side. You also gain experience points (one for every time you press the fight button) and military ranking points (which equates to 1/10th of your damage). Your overall military ranking has an effect of how much damage you inflict. At the end of each mini-battle, the citizen who did the most damage for their side gains a Battle Hero Medal, along with an award of 5 gold. Unfortunately, due to game mechanics, this can only be won by those that are extremely experienced and/or rich, so it is very difficult to win this. It will cost way more than 5 gold to even attempt to get the medal. Even more difficult is the Campaign Hero Medal, which is awarded to the citizen who did the most damage overall at the end of the entire battle.

It is of great importance to understand what you are doing before you commit an action. So by following this guide, hopefully you will not make the same mistake so many people have made in the past. Fight smart and know your limits. In next week's guide, working and training will be covered.
