eRep in Maps - August 12th 2009

Day 631, 19:37 Published in USA USA by Mainegreen

As usual, let me start by saying you must visit eGobba's World Map. This tool is invaluable to anyone, especially in helping me try and collect the visual representation of what the heck is going on in eRep.

In order to understand these maps here is the legen😛

Included below the continental pictures is a link to allow you to see a larger version of the image.

Notice: eRep in maps has a NEW European correspondent
I'm ecstatic to have help, and pleased as punch that it's another RL Mainer: Pangolin. Please welcome Pangolin, as he makes doing this much easier.

North America
Douchebaggery ensues.
The big picture:

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* Indiana was conquered by Russia in the war versus USA. The Russian hero was mAonK, Japan's number one citizen. The American hero was Kyle321n, an American.
* Russian also conquered Illinois. The American hero was the man all American soldiers salute: Lucius Varenus. Oorah! The Russian hero was handray, and Indonesian citizen.
* Russia then attacked Ohio, USA.

* Alabama was secured by Portugal in the war versus the Resistance Force. The American hero was Saddam Hussein, a Canadian. Nice nick, Saddam. The Portuguese hero was arshiamoj, an Iranian.
* Portugal attacked Delaware, USA.
* Portugal attacked Virginia, USA.
* Pennsylvania was secured by USA in the war versus Portugal. The Portuguese president retreated from the field. The American hero was Mdeusa03, an American. The Portuguese hero was Sanya18, a Hungarian.
* Delaware was conquered by Portugal in the war versus USA. The American president retreated, as the Americans were about to win Pennsylvania. This would give the Americans the initiative, for the first time in ages. 'WTF', you may ask. 'The Portuguese retreated from Pennsylvania' you may say. Well, apparently, the server kept the battle alive for enough time to allow Portugal to attack Virginia and keep initiative. At this point almost every single American citizen firmly believes the admins are massive internet trolls and/or piss poor programmers, yours truly included. Read more about this and further admin douchebaggery here. Note that I do not blame PEACE. They took advantage of the situation, as any good player would in that situation. It's just that the admins need a good eKick in the eNuts for failing miserably.

* Nova Scotia was secured by United Kingdom in the war versus the Canadian Resistance Force. The UK hero was Michael Collins, a UK citizen. The Canadian hero was henker, a Canadian expat residing in Spain.
* Yukon was secured by Iran in the war versus the Canadian Resistance Force. The Canadian hero was Ahoura, an Iranian, most likely fighting for the battle hero award, her first. The Iranian hero was mamylo, an Iranian.

reported by Pangolin
Greece is feisty, Spain is in trouble. Big trouble.

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* An awful day for Spain. The French attack into Asturias, Spain, seemed to go into overtime just before the server went down and then continued for quite some time while in the underground. While this might have benefited the anti-PEACE strategy to draw more PEACE tanks to Asturias, any advantage was wiped out by the change removing New Jersey as a choke-point and the Portuguese late retreat from Pennsylvania. Anti-PEACE forces may have been denied their last opportunity to launch a counter-attack, and are now down to only one High Iron region - Central Greece. The hero for Spain was HeadCutter, a citizen of Mexico working in and fighting from Romania. The hero for France was the Turkish tank BattalGazi.
* Spain also lost the Canary Islands, and a Q5 hospital, to Brazil. The hero for Spain was Jockey, a citizen of Peru fighting from Spain, who did 6646 damage to earn his first award. The hero for Brazil was Guilherme, a Brazillian, who did 23234 damage to earn only his second battle hero award.
* France continued the offensive in Spain by attacking Cantabria.
* The Training Resistance War/Land Swap in Brittany concluded with a peace treaty between the U.K. and France, and Brittany returned to France.

* PEACE took the final steps towards eliminating the Theocracy, first beginning a Resistance War in the final Swiss territory of Franche-comte - an original French territory - and following up with an attack by France on Franche-comte four hours later. The Resistance War was begun by Martin Davitkovski, a citizen of Turkey currently in Hungary.

* Bavaria was returned to Germany in the Resistance War against Italy begun by Habraka Abrivianius, an American citizen strongly favoring more German independence. The hero for Germany, and PEACE was Forcran, an American super-tank with a very silly hat. The hero for Italy, aka Croatia/Eden/Fortis was Dmitar Zvonimir II, a Croatian mascerading (badly) as an Italian.

* The only reprieve from tragedy for anti-PEACE forces today has been, ironically, in the Greek Theater. Greece's counteroffensive against Turkey rolls on.
* Greece attacked the Aegean Islands, an original Greek territory occupied by Turkey.
* Greece conquered Thessaly, retaking it from Turkey. The Greek battle hero was Aroosss, a Polish captain fighting from Romania - his first battle hero award. For Turkey, it was mAonK, a Japanese citizen fighting from Turkey and a 1st ranked national citizen - his thirtieth battle hero award.
* Greece conquered Epirus, retaking it from Turkey. The Greek hero was penestas, his first award. The hero for Turkey was since_1299, his sixth award.

* Lithuania is having a Training war with Latvia, who attacked Samogitia.


* A Resistance War was begun in the Urals region against Hungary by Decsi Dani of Hungary. This is a Land Swap to return the high iron region back to Russia as part of a contract executed here.

Thanks for reading and a big welcome to Pangolin!