eRep in Maps - August 5th 2009

Day 624, 08:32 Published in USA USA by Mainegreen

As usual, let me start by saying you must visit eGobba's World Map. This tool is invaluable to anyone, especially in helping me try and collect the visual representation of what the heck is going on in eRep.

In order to understand these maps here is the legen😛

Included below the continental pictures is a link to allow you to see a larger version of the image.

This is a mid-day update, and events later today will be included in tomorrow's post.

Yesterday I stated that I was 'totally flabbergasted' as to why UK attacked Eastern Siberia, Russia and then immediately withdrew. The answer is of course game mechanics. UK had just won battle after battle with Russia in land swaps. As a result, if Russia wanted to landswap back from the UK any territory, it would have to wait 24 hours. By UK attacking Russia, and retreating on it's last action, initiative is handed off to Russia. This is a standard game action needed to facilitate long term land swapping activity, and I expect at some point in the very near future a 'Initiative passed' action icon will have to be created to show these activities.

By any standards, today was a great day for the US, rounding defeating PEACE, and yet, according to game mechanics the US can not counter attack. In fact, even if the US were to win 800 out of the next 830 battles, as long as PEACE keeps attacking a new state before they loose a battle, the US can never counter attack. This is obnoxiously stupid, and really dumbs down the strategy needed to play this game. If you agree, please tell the admins how dumb this is. If not, that's ok too. Note that I am not saying PEACE is cheating. They have played well, utilizing many very good strategies, and have not relied on just the retreat/attack strategy.

The Great PEACE Landswap
PEACE has begun the massive landswap to complete the contract I specified in yesterday's article. In order to properly map this, I shall describe the landswap in strict order, and avoid trying to group this by continent. Note the UK had pushed into asia, activating MPPs, allowing them a war with Iran, and a border with Iran. This left the playing field ready for the landswapping to follow below.

Breath deeply.

Are you ready?

* Iran attacked Far Eastern Russia, United Kingdom. Landswapped. From there...

* Iran attacked Alaska, United Kingdom. Landswapped. From there...

* Iran attacked Yukon, United Kingdom. Landswapped. From there...
* Iran attacked Northwest Territories, United Kingdom. Landswapped. New beachhead for PEACE member formed in North America: Iran's.

* Iran attacked Heilongjiang, United Kingdom. 'Landswap' aborted, secured by UK. UK gains initiative from Iran. From there...

* United Kingdom attacked Far Eastern Russia, Iran. Landswapped. From there...
* United Kingdom attacked Alaska, Iran. Landswapped. Forms bridge to Heilongjiang, which Hungary may follow.

* The final pieces begin to fall into place with Hungary attacking Alaska, United Kingdom. Landswapped.

* United Kingdom attacked Hamgyong, Russia. Landswapped. Hamyong was taken by UK because Hungary has no war with Russia, thus UK was needed to allow Hungary a beachhead on the Korean peninsula. UK finished with initiating landswaps.

* Hungary attacked Far Eastern Russia, United Kingdom. Landswapped.
* Hungary attacked Heilongjiang, United Kingdom. Landswapped. *condition met according to contract!* Russia should expect to receive the Urals, once they have purchased a percentage of companies existing in the Urals. Expect Russia to do this as quickly as possible.
* Hungary attacked Hamgyong, United Kingdom. Landswapped. Hungary has beachhead in North Korea. But for what purpose? Only time will tell....

* Finally a resistance was started in Far Eastern Russia, against the Hungarians. This is a landswap, to return the region to Russia and was started by a Hungarian acting on official orders. It is thus marked as a landswap. As the last big swap as part of operation 'PEACE landswap: drive the man mapping this insane', I expect the battle to be left open as a training war as well. Thrifty. I'm still marking this as a landswap though, as that is the base reason for the battle.

North America
A good day for the US, an awful, terrible day for Canada.
The big picture:

view large

* The Indonesian president was forced to retreat from the battlefield in Texas. Indonesia was not going to win that battle, and needed to retreat, and attack again in order to maintain initiative, as Indonesia was also going to loose in Arkansas. The battle hero for the Indonesians was Hungarian tank Torma Peter, for USA it was Anthonios, a Greek citizen.
* Indonesia then attacked Texas again.
* USA then secured Arkansas against the Indonesian invaders. The battle hero for Indonesia was Handarton, who I believe is a Hungarian with Indonesian citizenship. The US battle hero was Sadix, a Polish tank.
* Hungary captured Canadian North Dakota. The battle hero for the Hungarians was Dunedain, a Hungarian. For the Canadians it was Louis David White, a US Citizen residing in Spain.
* Portugal then went on to attack Arkansas. This was done because Portugal was about to loose another battle, Maryland against the US, and would loose initiative if they did not attack.
* Russia attacked Wisconsin from their base in Minnesota.
* Russia captured Wyoming, PEACE's only victory for the day against the US. The Russian battle hero was Brazilian Andman, the US battle hero was Croatian Tank ratrak. Patrick Swayze and the Wolverines have now been placed in a reeducation camp, and are resting peacefully.

* USA secured Maryland against Portuguese attack. The battle hero for Portugal was Portuguese citizen VaReTaS. For the US it was US citizen, Josh Frost. Two days in a row he has had that honor, fighting against Portugal.
* France captured New Brunswick in their war vs Canada. The French battle hero was Hungarian lator, and the Canadian was Romanian Stfn.
* The UK and France landswapped Quebec, placing Canada's last territory, Ontario between Hungary and France. Canada can expect to suffer a simultaneous attack by Hungary from Manitoba, France from Quebec and Russia from Minnesota. Russia may abstain, but I would not be surprised to see a three prong attack, as only one attack must succeed in order to defeat Canada. Canada is doomed, as PEACE has placed it's pieces well.
* France started the assault on Canada, attacking from Quebec.


* UK is having another training war against itself in Midtjylland


Asia South

* Eastern Thailand was secured by Malaysia in the war versus the Resistance Force. The resistance war was on behalf of the PTO group, and not Thailand.

Asia North

* The resistance war in Pyongan, North Korea was defeated by Russia. The North Korean battle hero was Spanish tank Patukas, the Russia hero was Russian supertank, strength 18.3 prokey.

Tomorrow's update may not take place until late PM eastern standard time

Again, thanks for reading.