EDEN, Phoenix Battle for Russian Ballot Boxes, Day 1081

Day 1,081, 15:12 Published in USA USA by Lieutenant Scheisskopf

The New World’s focus has turned on Day 1081 towards Europe, where both EDEN and Phoenix are engaging aggressively on the battlefield and on the ballots. While eHungary and eSpain face assaults on their homelands, eRussia has seen an influx of Phoenix and EDEN supporters attempt to influence the Presidential election there.

Russia’s Presidential Election Draws Thousands of Voters, RW Attempts
Since eRussia was conquered by EDEN and had its early resistance war (RW) efforts stopped, eRussia was left without a Congress and susceptible to open citizenship. Consequently, today’s Presidential elections in eRussia pit one EDEN-backed political takeover (PTO) candidate against a Phoenix-led anti-PTO (ATO) nominee. The stakes are high and publicity for this campaign has been rampant, with the eUSA and many allies sponsoring a very public PTO which has met an equally vocal Phoenix Headquarters ATO campaign. As the election currently stands, the Phoenix-backed candidate has won, which would leave eRussia firmly in the Phoenix camp until the country held its Congressional elections, at which time another PTO effort by EDEN is likely. While Phoenix has been struggling on the battlefield in recent weeks, the alliance’s biggest test was whether or not it could keep this stalwart ally on its side; it has seemingly passed, but the once-mighty Phoenix will need to protect eRussia's Congress and solidify its government before considering anything as conclusive.

eRussia is the target, not the conspirator, behind the latest takeover efforts

In the background of eRussia’s political affairs, three new resistance wars (RW) opened across eRomanian-occupied Russia, at Central Black Earth, North Caucasus, and Volga. eRomania seems to be in solid control of all three battles, however, though the move may be an attempt to keep potential eRomanian PTOers at home to fight in the RWs-- of course, one could vote and then move, but it will remain to be seen whether these RWs have any success or diverted any potential voters.

France, Brazil Continue Offensives in Iberian Peninsula
eFrance opened an attack on eSpain’s Aragon in Day 1080 at 15:11, which is still yet to be concluded. Due to recent victories across Northern Spain, eFrance is now seeking to reenter eSpain and conquer an eSpanish region once more. Regardless, the attack has been valuable for eFrance and eBrazil, as its continued contest has scattered eSpanish defenses across this front and those started by eBrazil on the southern portion of the Iberian Peninsula. Four hours prior to the battle for Aragon, eBrazil attacked Lisboa, the traditional capital of ePortugal, taking it away from eSpain early in Day 1081; eSpain, for their part, attempted to retake its Canary Islands which eBrazil had taken on Day 1075. After defending its control of the Canary Islands, eBrazil opened a front against eSpain’s southernmost mainland region of Andalucia at 05:21, in a fight which has been evenly contested in its first 8 hours. eBrazil is already in Europe with its holding of the ePortuguese region of Madeira and the ePortuguese capital, but a victory in Andalucia would enable eBrazil to move up the Spanish heartland and challenge eSpain's capital and other valuable regions which eFrance failed to conquer earlier in its campaign.

eHungary faces four attacks from eRomania and eCroatia, while
eSerbia's main population hub came under attack as well

Hungary Attacked on Four Sides
As most of Phoenix’s focus has been set on keeping eRussia under a friendly government, eCroatia and eRomania both took the opportunity to strike eHungary with a wide, coordinated front. In a three minute span between 10:28 and 1😇0, eRomania invaded Central Hungary and Southern Great Plain, while eCroatia attacked at 1😇 Southern Transdanubia, and followed up with a strike against Western Transdanubia at 11:04. An additional front by eCroatia against eSerbia’s Vojvodina has put a major population hub under fire and is currently falling in the eCroats’ favor. The two EDEN countries are enjoying success against eSerbia and on the eRomanian front; however, it is common for EDEN and Phoenix countries in this part of the world to experience short-term successes. Until either EDEN power was able to generate a string of victories against eHungary, this front is only notable in the amount of battles started in such a short period of time. When Phoenix is focused more on these battles and less on the eRussian election, the progress may be reversed.

Bottom Line
Put simply, Phoenix needs their horse to win the eRussian presidential race. The country’s resources would be too valuable to lose to an EDEN puppet, and the country’s loss would be a symbolic setback more difficult to overcome than any recent losses in Asia and elsewhere. Whether this fifth of November will never be forgot or not will depend on the outcome of this election, irrespective of what happens in Hungary or Spain.

God Bless America,

Lt. Scheisskopf
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