Debate Transcript

Day 348, 19:20 Published in USA USA by AidenAstrup

For those that didn't get a chance to make it to the debates, here is a rundown....

The Economy has been facing serval issues in the past few weeks. With the effects of V1, the change in the global productity model, and increasing foriegn trade, what will you do as president to help tihs nation's economy?

Benn answered first,
Well J8, first you have to understand that countries all over the world are suffering from the same things we are. It is not necessarily because we are economically weak but, rather, because the admins created a system in V1 that leads towards general over-production. How do we solve this? Well, as outlined in my recent article ( ), I have plans for several improvements. For one, we need to at least ATTEMPT to contact the admins and make them realize the over-production... for another, we need to try and circulate USD for the sake of deflation

MODERATOR-- What will as president do to help the overall economic state of this nation? Other Nations are prospering even in these economic times, how will you as presidnet improve the economy?

Benn responded,
I have proposed the possibility of a war (see aforementioned article) within Atlantis.  The war would be inexpensive and would help the terrible supply-demand ratio that exists in the US, leading towards ridiculously inexpensive products and, ultimately, inconsistent companies

Same question to Pere,

His response,
I think we're dealing with two major issues in our economy, the first is not just overproduction but overcapacity. The new company prices and rules, along with new domains and an entirely new sector has encouraged many users with limited experience in running companies to get their feet wet. As our marketplaces have been filled with not just more products but more companies, we've run into some serious pricing issues which have made it very difficult for under-capitalized companies to be successful - as they are competing with companies with the resources to take a loss until the market settles down. This is the primary motivation for my recommendation of the SBA. Which would provide advice and support to new business owners. I've also layed out an extensive plan for what I called Planned WarGames between ourselves and neighboring friendly nations. Which would serve to reduce our excess capacity, especially in weapons and gifts.

MODERATOR Rebuttles now, peregrine first

Pere's reply,
 I think we can go back and forth on the issue of wargames and who had the idea first, I think its a logical plan that's been under discussion for some time and that I've approached the issue methodically. I ask voters to review both plans.

Benn's reply,
While I agree that our market is experiencing some difficulties in the form of inexpensive products, where are these coming from? I do not think that peregrine has taken into consideration the fact that the admins gave each company 3k raw materials, and that this is a very temporary problem
not only will prices go up naturally, but they will go up (and so too will salaries) with a deflated dollar - something that I have been campaigning for ever since Archibald came into office.


 The military is a top issue in many regards and has been in the media in the past few weeks and even months, what will you do with this nation's armed forces in ragards to the growing and expanding eWorld?

Pere begins,
 Before I begin with answering this question I'd like to go back to the statement in Benn's previous rebuttal that I'm not taking the free materials into account. I think that the free materials were essential to maintaining finished-product industry, but at the same time put a lot of pressure on early adopters of the new Raw Materials domains. I agree that the market will correct itself - but that the government should help with advice and support where it can.

 I bleive that a lot of work has been done in reorganizing the military this past few weeks. Pay is being organized, and structure re-established. I think the work of Chimichonga Barbosa and Moishe has been exemplary. I think that the army is moving towards a semi-independence which will greately serve the stability of military pay and our military response time to critical national security issues into the future. As President I will support their efforts in whatever way I can, and help also by giving them somthing to do through WarGames.

Benn's response,
 As outlined in this article (, I have many changes for our military and foreign affairs.  Peregrine, for one, has been regarded as an individual with little to no foreign affairs experience.  If I am elected president, not only will I personally attempt to gather the best relations with Atlantis AND Peace countries, but I too will surro
In a matter of days, all of our MPPs will dissolve. We can do one of two things here - re-shape our alliance to fit what our country desires most, or spread our rapidly-expanding nation to a border country. If elected president, I can promise a war, be it peaceful or for the sake of conquest.

The rebuttal:

Benn's words,
 Peregrine, while you point out that military pay and military response time are imperative systems to perfect, how exactly do you plan on doing this? I feel as though, if you are elected, you will ask others to do this for you and not take charge yourself. If I am elected however, I will be an active role in EVERY program in the US govt, including the DoD and national security council. That is all, thank you.

Pere's return,
I believe that there's still work to be done in the military, but that they are on the right track and well on their way. I have a personal relationship with many of the top military brass, and I believe that i have shown myself to be mature and open-minded in the way that I receive advice. Where it comes to military pay, i believe that ultimately this is something that the military itself must take under control if it is to be accomplished in an acceptable matter. For this reason I promote more extensive military autonomy, still reporting to the President but self-managing promotions more indepdenently - and managing the disbursal of army pay after initial distribution from the Fed. I think that there are is a lot of potential for war on the horizon, be it friendly or otherwise as my opponent suggests - however I believe that our involvement in foreign wars must be considered strategically and balanced with the needs of our country.

The Third Question:

American Buinsesses and buisness leaders have been facing great problems in the terms of sales, foriegn comitition, as well as higher emplyee cost, as president, what will you do to help buisness and there workers?

Pere goes first,
 Well I think we addressed a lot of these issues already in the first quesiton tho I'm happy to revisit it and elaborate. The fact is that the eRep economy is fundamentally based on war. Moving Tickets for example rely primarily on foreign wars, while weapons and gifts benefit most from domestic wars or MPP wars. The only real way to remove the excess stored capacity of our economy at present is war, be it friendly with an allied nation, hostile, or in support of a resistance somewhere in the world. I support our involvement with resistance wars that are agreed upon secessions and any resistance war against a PEACE nation. However its essential that the eUSA enter these wars intelligently, and make sure that they are being waged intelligently. Through the Small Business Agency, I will support the underwriting of export license and Quality upgrade loans to domestic companies for exporting to nations that lack our 2.0 resources. However in my mind the only clear way to make a profit in the present environment is through vertical integration of companies. If you want to make money in Iron - you need a weapons company. Through SBA I will look to support consulting and lending to make that possible and to keep domestic businesses alive.  I do think we've already made a lot of progress in recovering from the initial troubles in V1. And I think I can help to smoothe out the next month and help to make it possible for every citizen to realize their goals. In business as well as in civil service

Benn's turn,

Deflation deflation deflation.  I quote myself: ..... " If a weapons company sells a weapon for 50 dollars and 1 USD = 0.025gold, they will have a revenue of 1.25 gold per weapon. If a Swedish company is selling their weapons for 27 SEK and the exchange rate is 0.036 gold per SEK, then the Swedish company is selling their weapons for 1 gold. If this Swedish company is suffering from the global over-supply, they will seek selling to a market that has a good price for USD. Taking import tax out of the equation, this Swedish company now has a new market that they can sell to. If the USD goes for around 0.016g, then that Swedish company will say to itself “Well I’m only making 0.8g over here, so I’m not really profiting”. So, in summary, lowering the value of our dollar keeps foreign companies off of our soil while maintaining the same profit margins for domestic companies - a win-win situation. " /end hypothetical
 A deflated dollar is pretty much the simple solution to our economy, aside from competition.  I feel as though when our domestic companies can profit easier by taking some of the exporters out of the United States' market, more jobs will be given out, thus increasing our employment rates.  The high "employee cost" will drop naturally, given the reasoning behind the the high cost in the first place. Even though it may be a temporary solution, war is not the only solution to a better economy.  A war will increase demand in selected areas, but it looks like Peregrine thinks that a war is a permanent solution, whereas it is really a temporary solution to this permanent crisis.