CHAM can hold up to 20x its own weight in Presidential Presentation!

Day 678, 23:21 Published in Canada Canada by Chamrajnagar

Presidential Debate

Political endorsements
Trenton Rendell
Billy Bob Joe
Gary Hubert
Addy Lawrence

Related Articles:
Proposed Cabinet
Answers to CSD Presidential Nominee debate

There are four main issues I would like to focus on as Prime Minister: Transparency, Communication, the Military, and the continued rebuilding of our Economy.

As one of the most important CSD values, transparency in government is necessary for the people. It is my belief that Congress needs to know what is going on in Cabinet, and the people need to know what is going on in both Congress and Cabinet.

One of my first acts as Prime Minister would be to abolish the Closed Door Congress forum, as not much useful is discussed inside its halls that should be hidden from public purview. This would instead be replaced with committee sub-forums. These committees were

approved last term, and should go into effect this congressional term. Each sub-committee forum will be closed, but there will likely be few more than one or two items under discussion at any one time. These items will then be presented to the rest of congress by the committee, so its contents will be disclosed when in a final form.

I would also like to see weekly reports by the Speaker, and by the PM on what has transpired during the week, A brief summary so the average voter doesn't have to dig through hundreds of threads to know everything that is going on.

One of the biggest critiques I've heard about the Jacobi government, other than they're nincompoops, was their lack of communication, or at best infrequent communication. This has started to improve drastically, and I intend to take this even further.

I am a Member of the Order of Canada because of the communications work I did at the start of the war to inform citizens about what was going on. The MoD has continued my trend of modifying their Top 5 article instead of creating a new article and having it compete, and having to get all the votes again. This helps orders consistently stay at or near the top of the articles list so that citizens can easily find out orders.

Hand-in-hand with transparency, I will communicate often with the public and let them know what is going on. As GI Joe once sai😛 "Knowing is half the battle!"

This is arguably my weakest position, as my only military experience comes from being a reserve, and a weapons supplier.

War has been an integral part of our daily life for the past few months, and we have seen the great benefits it provides to our manufacturing industry and the xp gain by all of our citizens. Keep in mind that Hungary still controls 3 of our regions and 2 US regions...we ahven't forgotten about them. Once Hungary has been expelled from North America, however, the need arises for more war and strife. This can come from two places: EDEN conflict and Training Wars.

Training wars are great ways to both encourage the overall wellness of our population and to gain experience. At this time I can't say for sure that we will have training wars, but it is a definite option I will look into, coffers permitting.

I fully support EDEN and our inclusion into this illustrious brotherhood. We would not be a country today were it not for them. We owe them everything and more...but they'll happily accept just our friendship. I am not an imperialist, and will not likely vote for any homeland invasion attempts by EDEN, but I will honour the Treaty, and commit full support should the majority of EDEN be in favour.

Great steps have been undertaken to provide Canadian citizens with the Canadian Rangers. The Canadian Rangers is a great introduction to the CAF and is open to any strength level. I vow to continue this program and fund it at near the same importance of the CAF.

Finally, I will look at the viability of implementing emergency measures to be able to have self-sustaining CAF companies in the event of our MoI companies ending up in hostile terriroty again. The resistance groups showed that such a model is more than effective, and while I won't force anyone to take up this lifestyle, I will certainly investigate its applicability to the CAF.

After the long war, our economy is on the road to recovery, but is still not entirely stable yet. My main goal as Prime Minister would be to strengthen our fragile economy and lead it on a road to recovery. This is where my experience shines. I feel that I would be the best candidate for Prime Minister precisely because of my previous two terms as the Minister of Finance. I have been studying our economy as it fell, as it was reborn, and as it has slowly regrown into what it is today. I would like the chance to further shape it into a stable long-term investment that we can rely on for months to come.

From the CSD Presidential Debate, the first thing I would do would be to task the Congressional Finance Committee to do an in-depth study on every industry including short-term price tendencies, wage costs etc. and use these figures to accurately determine the income tax levels that are appropriate for each industry. Next would be a foreign market study to determine where all our main competitors lie, and how best to promote Canadian business, bu adjusting our import taxes.

The Ministry of Industries is a key component to the success of our economy post-war, by employing a large majority of our manufacturing sector which will be saturated after a lot of weapons companies close, and employing many construction workers to build hospitals and defense systems. It is also a good way to price-fix certain markets, under extreme circumstances of course. I would also be looking to expand this Ministry to help stockpile supplies as we saw was badly needed at the beginning of this war. We do not want to be caught with our pants around our ankles again.

My final initiative I will start on the moment I am elected is reviving the Bank of Canada. This will be a government entity whose purpose is three-fol😛 First, to hold safe the investments of Canadians at a nominal interest rate; secondly, to finance loans for Canadians at its discretion, and thirdly, to regulate the Money Market at a sustainable rate, and to help prevent an economic attack similar to what the French launched on us before the fall of Ontario.

Thank you all for reading this, and please support me for Prime Minister of Canada!

2 time Minister of Finance
3 time Congressman
Full-time eCanadian