CHAM WOW, it even soaks up icky debate stains!

Day 684, 13:22 Published in Canada Canada by Chamrajnagar

Note: This has been edited to show only Chamrajnagars responses to the CSD Presidential Nominee Debate and to remove extraneous comments by the moderator Nosyt.

[19:59] [&Nosyt] Welcome to the CSD debate! This debate is to help determine who the CSD will support in their run for president.
[20:01] [&Nosyt] First Question: Is there such a thing as social democracy in the New World? What makes the CSD different from other parties?

[20:10] [+Chamrajnagar] Indeed there is social democracy. In fact this seems to be the predominant political structure in the New World. Almost every country in the New World has a mixed economy of private and public companies. The new citizens fee is a form of social welfare, as well as the new MWOC program.
[20:12] [+Chamrajnagar] As for how the CSD is different than other political parties, I found the reason I joined was their mandate of transparency and involvement. Indeed being the first party in Canada with fully transparent public forums was a huge demonstration of our commitment.
[20:13] [+Chamrajnagar] As well, all of the active members help to demonstrate to everyone else exactly what the CSD is all about.
[20:13] [+Chamrajnagar] end

[20:14] [&Nosyt] [...] What are you plans for the eCanadian economy? What do you feel needs changing?

[20:21] [+Chamrajnagar] I'm glad this question was asked, as this is a cornerstone to my campaign. Feel free to cut me off if my response takes too long.
[20:24] [+Chamrajnagar] First I would task the Congressional Finance Committee to do an in-depth study on every industry including short-term price tendencies, wage costs etc. and use these figures to accurately determine the income tax levels that are appropriate for each industry. Next is a foreign market study to determine where all our main competitors lie, and how best to promote Canadian business.
[20:27] [+Chamrajnagar] As Caesar as pointed out, and rightly so, the Ministry of Industries is a key component to the success of our economy post-war, by soaking up a large majority of our manu sector workers, and employing many construction workers to build hospitals and defense systems. It is also a good way to price-fix certain markets, under extreme circumstances of course. I would also be looking to expand this Ministry to help stockpile supplies as we saw was badly needed at the beginning of this war. We do not want to be c
[2😇1] [+Chamrajnagar] My final key point to make is about starting up the Bank of Canada once more. I believe having a separate entity that can manage loans and financing, as well as investments of Canadians, that is backed with the support of the government of eCanada can help ensure we have a stable and prosperous economy for many months and years to come. The Bank of Canada will also be instrumental in regulating the Money Market and the value of the CAD, to prevent economic attacks like the French did near the fall of Ontari
[2😇1] [+Chamrajnagar] o.
[2😇1] [+Chamrajnagar] end

[2😇6] [&Nosyt] Cham: Without a doubt, you three have begun planning your proposed cabinets. Which 3 people do you value the most on your cabinet?

[2😇9] [+Chamrajnagar] I can't say that I value any 3 people over the rest of my cabinet. I have hand-picked my cabinet based on who I feel would do the best job in their respective areas. However, saying that, TP has been instrumental in helping me with this campaign, finding ministers and supporting my run, Jacobi has done wonders for his insight and initial suggestion I run for PM, and finally, the person I might value most, only because I thought I might need to give up this presidential run had I not found him...Domino_Gray.
[2😇9] [+Chamrajnagar] end

[20:49] [&Nosyt] Do you believe in invading other countries at this time?

[20:50] [+Chamrajnagar] I wholeheartedly believe in invading other countries, and even holding their original territory for an indefinite period of time. However, I only believe in this tactic because the game mechanics forces it as a strategy. I would only do this for defensive strategic purposes, for example if it was in the Brolliance's best interest to hold Alaska (though I doubt it is), I would wholheartedly support it. In terms of hostile invasion, I do not support Canada initiating an attack that threatens another country's
[20:50] [+Chamrajnagar] home soil. I will support EDEN initiatives, but will likely vote against any invasion plans, unless they are well warranted.
[20:50] [+Chamrajnagar] end

[21:00] [&Nosyt] [...]The actual war has shown us who were our real friends and enemies. Considering the events that occurred in the last months, what are your plans for the Canadian foreign diplomacy and the place of our country in the eWorld?

[21:07] [+Chamrajnagar] As it is in real life, I look to place eCanada as the dominant "peacemonger" in the eWorld. As has been shown, even in Canada, the political landscape in a country can change from month-to-month. We must not destroy relations with our enemies, for they could next be our friends. Look how we defended against Sweden's invasion of Germany...and yet, it was they who DONATED a q5 hospital to Canada. What friendship! Likewise, our friends could well turn out to be our enemies. We used to be in the Mediterranean
[21:07] [+Chamrajnagar] Alliance with France, and look at the state of our relationship today. However, if we extend the olive branch to all, and show everyone how much Canada wants to work on our friendship, perhaps we can come away with many more friends than enemies.
[21:08] [+Chamrajnagar] I feel that by splitting my MoFA's portfolio, and creating a new portfolio specifically for our new EDEN brothers, I can give Derek Harland, the MoFA, more time to deal with improving our relations with countries we may not have always seen eye to eye with. And Jacobi, as my new Minister of EDEN Relations, can further cement the many great bonds he's made over the past 4 months...and bring EDEN and ourselves closer together.
[21:08] [+Chamrajnagar] end

[21:11] [&Nosyt] Thank you, the next question is "Currently, the eCanadian constitution is undergoing a rewrite. How important do you think matters involving constitutional affairs are, and what are your plans in this sector?"

[21:16] [+Chamrajnagar] I think Constitutional matters are the most important matters discussed in Congress. The Constitution defines who we are as Canadians, and how we operate as the eCanadian Government. It is the foundation of how everything operates, and were the Constitution to claim someone else was President, yet eRepublik said I was, I would gladly hand over the reins. (Perhaps not TOO gladly)
[21:16] [+Chamrajnagar] Goran Thrax has thankfully decided to stay in his position as Minister of Justice, and help work on the Constitutional reforms. Nosyt, Eldorino, and Adasko set in motion a complete overhaul of the Constitution and I plan to make sure that their work continues.
[21:16] [+Chamrajnagar] end

[21:33] [&Nosyt] And that concludes the debate! I would like to thank the candidates for participating in the debate. I’d also like to thank the audience for coming to watch, and I’d also like to thank Derek Harland jfstpierre, Adasko, and Christian Doe for providing the candidates with a number of interesting questions.
[21:34] [&Nosyt]