Epistles (Chapter One)

Day 888, 20:00 Published in USA USA by Robert Oakden
The Holy Writings of Nogginism
- Origins
- The Epic of the Second Age
- The Visions of the Prophet Oakden
- Epistles and Further Revelations (Chapter 1)

Epistles and Further Revelations (Chapter 1)

1:1 And as he was going about proclaiming the Oneness of the Great Chicken, the Prophet Oakden was visited in a vision by The Noggin who said, "Foolish Prophet, you shall declare to the nations the following messages:

2. "Thus says The Noggin, the Head of the Great Chicken: 'To the people of the nation of Turkey say this: "I know your wicked ways - how you created much dysfunction and broke my Laws, says the Noggin. 3. You are forgiven. 4. You shall return to the service of the Great Chicken and be freed from the deception of the Wicked One. You shall make amends with your neighbors and create dysfunction no longer."

5. And to the people of the nation of Poland say this: "I am watching you, little ones. 6. You are mighty in your own eyes but you skirt the edge of disaster. The Fox holds great sway among your people. 7. Humble yourselves and become my faithful disciples. Resist the temptation to violate my Laws and you will be rewarded greatly. 8. The Great Chicken can make of you a great nation, if you will let him."

9. And to the nation of Russia say this: &quot😉id I not bless you with a land of many riches? Did I not give you enough in the day when I clucked the New World into existence? 10. Why then have you violated my Laws and used dysfunction to conquer your neighbors? Even so, you will be blessed with many resources in the Third Age, and I shall watch over your nation and keep you safe, if you will only turn from your violations and become my disciples. 11. Victory will come only to the one who repents from his cheating ways, for those who persist in evil will be driven away at the end of the last age."

12. And to the nation of the United States say this: &quot😉o you think yourself something? You are nothing if you continue to allow yourselves to be deceived by The Fox, 13. for I have seen how his lies and false beliefs have spread in your land. You have grown proud with riches and drunk with power, but you have forgotten the Great Chicken. 14. Turn back before it is too late or you too shall be driven away at the end of the last age."

15. Now these are the things which were spoken to the Prophet Oakden near the close of the Second Age, on the 888th Day of the New World.

(the revelation continues in the next article...)
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