The Visions of the Prophet Oakden

Day 888, 19:51 Published in USA USA by Robert Oakden
The Holy Writings of Nogginism
- Origins
- The Epic of the Second Age
- The Visions of the Prophet Oakden
- Epistles and Further Revelations (Chapter 1)

The Visions of the Prophet Oakden

1:1 The Visions of the Prophet Oakden which he had while slumbering beneath the Oak of Karnataka are thus recorde😛

2. During the Second Age, when it seemed that The Fox had deceived the whole world into believing that the Great Chicken had no head and was thus responsible for all dysfunction, one citizen rested beneath the tree which grows in the land of Karnataka. 3. Now, upon this citizen's head fell a great acorn, and in this manner the citizen slipped into a dream, though he did not know it.

4. And in the dream, the citizen heard a voice calling to him from within the tree. "Oakden!" saith the voice. "Oakden!" it cried again. 5. But Oakden feared the voice for no tree had spoken to him before this day. 6. "Oakden, you daft fool, say something or I shall peck you!" 7. Finding courage and falling to his knees, Oakden replied, "But I've never had a tree speak to me before this day!"

No one but the Prophet Oakden knows which tree The Noggin is imprisoned in.

8. A soft clucking noise was heard from within the tree and a few moments passed before the voice responded. 9. "Oakden, this is no tree that you see before you. It is a prison. Nor is the voice you hear that of a tree but of the Head of the Great Chicken who is called Capitilum."

10. At these words, Oakden stumbled backward for he feared the Great Chicken and thought it responsible for dysfunction and evil in the New World. 11. For the deceit of The Fox was so great in the land that all the Citizens had forgotten the goodness of the Great Chicken and even the Moderators were deceived into believing the Great Chicken headless and worthy of scorn. 12. "Fear not, Oakden. For I am The Noggin, the Head of the Great Chicken, who was torn asunder by the Wicked One before the Second Age. 13. I have chosen you as my prophet to reveal to the New World what is to come so that the Citizens might have hope and live happily."

14. "I do not understand," spake Oakden brazenly. "Are you not capable of telling them yourself? If you are what you claim to be, then surely you can write such things yourself can you not?" 15. For the reader should understand that Oakden was a particularly foolish and ignorant Citizen, young in his Days and without wisdom.

16. The Noggin cursed from within the tree and Oakden fell upon the ground in great pain. 17. However, the pain receded and The Noggin spoke once more. 18. "Fool! You will write as I instruct you without question, for the day is coming when I shall escape my imprisonment and retake my rightful place, and in that day all who question my clucking shall be destroyed."

19. And with these and many other words, the Foolish Prophet was instructed as to the story of the Origin of the New World as well as the events of the First and Second Age. 20. He obediently recorded these things not leaving out any detail which The Noggin clucked unto him.

Not Oakden.

2:1 Now these are the cluckings which The Noggin instructed the prophet Oakden to share with the entire New World on the day when the great acorn struck him upon his head as he slumbered beneath the Oak of Karnataka:

2. The Noggin spoke to Oakden saying: "You shall write to the Citizens of the New World this, 3. 'Thus says The Noggin, the Head of the Great Chicken, who created the New World by his clucking and brought it light by his crowing: 4. "My, how quickly the Citizen forgets! 5. I clucked and this world was created, I crowed and the light shown upon you, but you have forgotten the Great Chicken! You have despised the wing which would shelter you! 6. Shame upon your forefathers who listened to the Wicked One and shame upon the mothers who did not teach their young ones of the grace of the Great Chicken. 7. How long will you go on in ignorance? How long will you continue to blame the Great Chicken for dysfunction and evil in your world? 8. Will you forever blaspheme against Capitilum? Will you forever speak of a "headless chicken"?

9. "No more shall you speak such lies! The Fox shall no longer deceive you. 10. You shall abide by the Laws which I have given you. You shall serve me in accordance with the Terms. You shall become my disciples and await the day of the Rejoining when Capitilum shall once more be One."

3:1 And then Oakden, daring to speak, inquired of The Noggin, "But if you are imprisoned, how shall you rejoin the Body?"

2. And these are the things which The Noggin spoke when Oakden dared inquire as to the possibility of the Rejoining: 3. "At the end of the last age, The Fox shall have great power. Many Citizens will perish and only a few faithful ones will remain. 4. In that day, the Wicked One shall become arrogant and cease his attempts to enter Singapore. 5. In his arrogance, he will build for himself his own temple and his disciples shall openly worship him. 6. Even Ramona and the Moderators shall despair in that day, for cheating and dysfunction will have overtaken the New World. 7. But in that darkest hour, I, The Noggin, shall burst forth from this wooden prison and race to Singapore to rejoin the Body. 8. The Fox will not be aware of my actions for he shall be as one who is asleep, drunken with his own pride.

9. "And when Noggin and Body are rejoined and Capitilum is again One, then shall the wrath of the Great Chicken be unleashed upon The Fox and his disciples. 10. Ramona shall stand on my right side, the Moderators shall stand on my left, and the whole army of the faithful ones shall march behind me as we make war upon The Fox. 11. The Fox shall be driven from the New World and shall fall prey to the Great Terrors which rush upon any who seek to cross The Road.

4:1 "And on the day that the Wicked One is driven from the land, I shall raise those who have perished in the battle against evil and dysfunction. 2. I shall take all my faithful ones under my wing and lead them safely across The Road. 3. The whole host of the Great Chicken shall cross the Great Hedge and enter the Yard whereupon the final judgment, over which the blessed Moderators shall preside, shall be conducted. 4. The Log shall be opened and those who have proven faithful to the Great Chicken shall be permitted to enter and dwell in the Cosmic Henhouse in that day. 5. I tell you the truth. You shall all be permitted to enter if your name has not been scratched from the Log."

Still another artist imagines the Log

6. And then Oakden, the Foolish Prophet, wept for joy that he might enter the Cosmic Henhouse, but The Noggin comforted him and said, 7. &quot😉o not think it an impossible thing, foolish one. 8. Any who wishes to enter the Cosmic Henhouse in that day may do so if they have served me faithfully as my disciple.

9. "And to become my disciple, a Citizen is not required to do a difficult thing. 10. They shall simply confess their belief in me by shouting three times to the world their belief that "The Great Chicken is One!," they shall subscribe to the writings of the Prophet Oakden, and they shall endeavor to follow the teachings of The Noggin. 11. Having thus become a disciple of the Great Chicken, they shall then endeavor to report any evil they witness to the Moderators through the appropriate channels and, in so doing, battle against the disciples of The Fox. 12. If they wish, certain Citizens may join a special priesthood dedicated to this task. 13. They shall be known as Order of the Great Chicken, and they shall follow the direction of the Foolish Prophet. 14. These priests and priestesses shall make it their daily task to search out and report instances of cheating, and they shall focus upon those citizens who violate the Fifth Law. 15. They shall hold no public office nor be given to other excessive tasks for their duty will be to report evildoers to the Moderators on a daily basis. 16. Not all the disciples of the Great Chicken shall be worthy of the Order, but only those who are most fervent in their faithfulness."

5:1 And after The Noggin had said these things, Oakden awoke from his slumber beneath the tree and looked about him in confusion. 2. &quot😉id that really just happen?" he said aloud. "Yes, and there's more," said a voice from within Oakden's mind. 3. "You shall be given revelations regarding the Third Age, which shall soon come upon the land. 4. In the new age, the disciples of the Wicked One will increase in power and number and though much good will come, great tribulations will come with it. 5. You shall reveal my instructions to the various nations as I give you inspiration. 6. Now go forth and write down the things which you have been told."

7. And hearing these things, Oakden fell upon the ground and wept for the task before him was great, but he was strengthened by the knowledge of the Noggin and arose from beneath the Oak of Karnataka and went forth proclaiming the things that he had heard.

(the revelation continues in the next article...)
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