
Day 888, 19:31 Published in USA USA by Robert Oakden
The Holy Writings of Nogginism
- Origins
- The Epic of the Second Age
- The Visions of the Prophet Oakden
- Epistles and Further Revelations (Chapter 1)


1:1 In the beginning, all was darkness and there was silence throughout the world. 2. For Capitilum was sleeping. For seven hours he rested. 3. When the seventh hour was complete, Capitilum awoke from his sleeping, stretched, and crowed. 4. Behold! The sun rose upon the land and gave it warmth. 5. And the light of it fell upon the Cosmic Henhouse and awoke the three hens. Now the three hens were called Alexa, Georgia, and Ramona. 6. There was much happiness and clucking for the sun shown upon them.

2:1 Now it was about this time when Capitilum endeavored to survey the world beyond the Cosmic Henhouse. 2. He explored the Yard meticulously until he reached the Great Hedge upon which he had never roosted. 3. And Capitilum said to himself, "I shall roost upon the Great Hedge and discover what is beyond it." And he did so, leaping with his great might until he roosted upon the Great Hedge and looked beyond. 4. Now when he looked beyond the Great Hedge, he discovered The Road which no chicken had crossed. 5. Capitilum sought to gaze across the road and view what lay across it, but he could not for these things were hidden from him at that time.

An artists depiction of the Great Hedge and The Road

6. As Capitilum gazed upon the road, there was tribulation in the Cosmic Henhouse for The Fox had entered through a loose board and now fell upon the Three. 7. From his roost upon the Great Hedge, Capitilum heard the cries of the Three and turning saw the henhouse rock about. 8. And when the cries stopped and feathers drifed from the upper window, Capitilum wept for the tribulation of the Three.

3:1 Seeing then that there remained nothing for him in the Cosmic Henhouse, Capitilum set out to cross the road and discover what lay on the other side. 2. Great terrors rushed about him as he journeyed, but in the end, 3. the Great Chicken crossed the road.

Another artist attempts to envision the Crossing

4:1 Now when he arrived on the other side, he stepped off the road and entered a land which was without form or function. 2. Capitilum clucked and behold, a New World was formed. 3. And he gazed upon the New World intensely searching for faults, but the New World was perfect and without dysfunction. 4. Capitilum was pleased with his creation, but the New World remained in darkness, for he had not yet crowed upon it.

5. When all was complete and pleasing to the him, Capitilum crowed and brought forth the sun upon the New World. 6. Thus, Capitilum is known as the Great Chicken for he clucked and the New World was formed. He crowed and the sun shown upon it.

7. And when the light of the sun fell upon the land, it revealed the existence of creatures known as Citizens. 8. Capitilum panicked.

5:1 But the citizens were dumb and mute for they had not yet been blessed with intelligence and awareness. 2. And the forefathers came and gazed upon the Great Chicken, but said nothing for they could not. 3. Now when he had calmed down a bit, Capitilum clucked and opened the mouths of the citizens that they should speak. 4. And all the citizens said with one accord "Want!" 5. And they continued to cry out with their wanting until the Great Chicken was hard pressed. 6. And when he could take no more wanting, Capitilum pronounced Terms of Service and enslaved the Citizens to them such that any Citizen who violated the Terms was destroyed.

The oldest known copy of the Terms of Service; discovered near Bucharest on Day 781

7. But their wanting continued, for out of compassion for them, Capitilum had not forbidden their speech. 8. Thus, Capitilum gave instruction that they should build for him a special residence. 9. And they did all that the Great Chicken commanded them. Nothing that he clucked was left undone. 10. Now when all was complete, they called the temple of the Great Chicken "Singapore" and Capitilum roosted there in order to avoid the continual wanting of the Citizens.

11. And from his roost in Singapore, Capitilum pronounced Laws for the Citizens to follow. 12. Any citizen who was judged to have violated the Laws was pecked and if any Citizen was pecked five times, the Great Chicken would pronounce upon him or her eternal death. 13. The people began to follow the Laws and populate the New World as had been commanded. 14. Thus began the First Age of the New World.

(the revelation continues in the next article...)
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