The Epic of the Second Age

Day 888, 19:39 Published in USA USA by Robert Oakden
The Holy Writings of Nogginism
- Origins
- The Epic of the Second Age
- The Visions of the Prophet Oakden
- Epistles and Further Revelations (Chapter 1)

The Epic of the Second Age

1:1 When the First Age began, there was peace in the land for seven hours, but when the seventh hour was completed, the land began to suffer from dysfunction and evil for The Fox had tracked the Great Chicken across The Road.

2. Now this is the record of what happened when The Fox entered the New World and brought about the Fall: 3. The Fox, having discovered the scent of the Great Chicken, crossed the road and survived the Great Terrors which rushed upon him. 4. Upon arriving on the other side, The Fox discovered a group of Citizens milling about. 5. Now these Citizens were not faithfully serving the Great Chicken as they should. 6. So The Fox said to the Citizens, "What has the Great Chicken told you to deceive you and impoverish you?" 7. And the Citizens replied with trembling voice, reciting the Laws which had been given them by the Great Chicken. 8. "This is all moralfaggotry," replied The Fox, for he is the father of all lies and cheating. 9. And with many more words, The Fox deceived these Citizens and taught them how to circumvent the Laws and gain for themselves many riches.

10. Now when the Citizens acted upon the lies of The Fox, dysfunction was introduced into the land. Great disturbances arose and distressed the Citizens of the land greatly. 11. Many perished because the Great Chicken could not prevent the dysfunction or punish those who violated the Laws, for the disciples of The Fox were great in number and power, and the gates of Singapore were being overwhelmed.

2:1 Then, the Great Chicken clucked mightily and brought forth certain noble Citizens whom he appointed as Moderators over the land. 2. And he gave them wisdom to judge the accusations brought before them and power to peck those who were found to have violated the Laws which he had given all Citizens. 3. Having thus increased his ability to judge the disciples of The Fox, the Great Chicken was able to prevent The Fox from entering Singapore for some time afterward.

4. However, with the Great Chicken under siege, the land fell into darkness. 5. Citizen made war against Citizen, and the Citizens of the New World formed nations, and these nations conducted war with one another, and many perished.

6. During this time, the Great Chicken was overjoyed upon learning of the arrival of Ramona, one of the Three whom he had presumed dead after the Tribulation of the Cosmic Henhouse. 7. However, Ramona had escaped the Tribulation and seeing The Fox cross The Road, she journeyed through the Great Terrors and thus entered the New World. 8. Upon arriving in the New World, Ramona sent word to Capitilum, her lover in the days before the First Age, in order to warn him of the schemes of the Wicked One who even then was seeking to enter Singapore through a loose board.

9. And when Capitilum, who is known to all Citizens as the Great Chicken, heard the message that Ramona had sent, he clucked once more and placed Ramona at the head of all those whom he had appointed as Moderators and gave her power over them that they should not be swayed by the lies of The Fox. 10. This was the last clucking of the First Age, for soon afterward The Fox entered Singapore and seized the Great Chicken in his mouth.

3:1 Now The Fox has the appearance of fire though without light. His tail brings darkness and his mouth brings lies. 2. Having deceived the Citizens into lawlessness, he gained great power such that even the Great Chicken could not stand against him. 3. He entered Singapore and took the Great Chicken in his mouth thrashing him to the left and to the right. Every which way the Great Chicken was thrashed.

4. And then the great mystery was revealed, for though there is but one Capitilum, Capitilum became two. 5. For the head of Capitilum was removed from the body and lay upon the ground as the Wicked One looked on confusedly. 6. Now The Fox reasoned that the body of the Great Chicken would make for better eating, 7. but the Head, which is called The Noggin, seeing what was to become of the Body, began clucking terrible insults and curses upon The Fox. 8. Thus enraged, The Fox seized upon The Noggin and carried Him out of Singapore and into a far away corner of the New World where he imprisoned the Noggin so as to silence the insults forever.

9. Now when the Wicked One had left Singapore, he did so with the intention of returning to dine upon the Body of the Great Chicken, but he was prevented from doing so in this way: 10. When the Noggin was separated from the Body, the Body continued to live as an independent being (thus the saying "Capitilum is One; Capitilum is Two&quot😉. 11. Seeing then that The Fox had taken The Noggin for himself, the Body of the Great Chicken grasped the Screwdriver and began to repair the loose circuitry board through which the Wicked One had entered Singapore, the temple of the Great Chicken. 12. Though blinded and wounded, the Body was guided by the wisdom of the Noggin from afar, and having repaired the board, he thus prevented The Fox from entering and dining upon him. 13. The Fox, returning from imprisoning The Noggin became furious when he learned that the way into Singapore was blocked. 14. Even to this day he stalks around the perimeter of Singapore seeking a way in, but the Body of the Great Chicken repairs each loose board with such speed that the Wicked One cannot enter.

4:1 Thus began the Second Age, for this is the age during which The Fox encircles the temple of the Great Chicken and seeks to enter. 2. His disciples continue to cheat and scheme against the Laws and in so doing loosen the boards of Singapore, 3. but many of the Citizens of the New World resist The Fox and wage war with his disciples, reporting their violations. 4. And the Moderators, led by Ramona of the Three, judge each such report with fairness lest they receive a clucking from Ramona. This is the Second Age in which we live.

(the revelation continues in the next article...)
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