[WHPR] ATO Ghosts of Past and Present

Day 2,061, 23:51 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Dateline: Friday, July 12th (Day 2,061)

Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Today’s WHPR

1) Jaxon Leith the first ATO warrior

2) The RGR/AFA facade

3) ATO efforts this election

Hello America, it's Friday night! We have had an eventful week, we regained Texas, lost Texas, regained Louisiana, and re-regained Texas. That has been covered quite well by the DoD newspaper, so I won't be rehashing said events. What I want to focus on today is ATO, its history, and how said history is connected to our present. I would like to introduce you all to Jaxon Leith, the first person to seize control of an Ajay Bruno party. Below you will find a screen shot of Jaxon Leith discussing difficulty in conducting his candidacy for PP of the CvVP. The link to this article is right here.

Hmm, Ajay stifling democratic competition does that sound familiar to anyone? This happened during the summer of 2009, early in my elife. I am proud to say I voted for Jaxon Leith. The rest of the nation was so disgusted by Ajay: deleting his opponent's forum threads, banning Jaxon from irc channels, and spending party gold on deceptive ads against Jaxon Leith (a long dead mechanic, but spending party gold for personal gain was a definite no no) , that the rest of the nation rallied behind Jaxon, and ousted Ajay from the PP seat. Ajay shortly after took his multi legions to eSouth Africa, in what would be a failed attempt to PTO that newly formed nation. Anyone curious about the early days of Ajay Bruno and his antics should check out Jaxon Leith's newspaper, the comments of his articles during and after the campaign are littered with Ajay rants and meltdowns.

Anyone familiar with my work (which is basically almost no one outside the Feds) will recognize the theme of this next segment. I wrote much of this back in April for the Congressional elections, but my platform was much smaller then, and the content is still very relevant. So forgive me for recycling a bit.

There is a sinister force lurking that has attempted to steal the mantle of our last truly great conservative president. It is a shallow facade that does not take long for most to see through. However my worry is for new players and recently reactivated players. I unknowingly joined the AFA for about five minutes after my zombification. I also happily accepted a friend request from this guy. I mean who doesn't like Ronald Reagan, the man who won the Cold War? Thanks to their Engel PP drama, I was able to see I was in the wrong place, and join a party that makes me Proud, and yes Horny. I want the new players and recent zombies to see the AFA for what they really are. Before they unknowingly help them with their insidious designs.

The American Freedom Alliance it sounds so patriotic, benign, innocuous,etc. RGR and his party try to hide behind a childlike disguise of innocence.

In reality RGR and his AFA are terrorists and PTO operatives from overseas trying to weaken and undermine us from within.

Ronald Gipper Reagan, Pizza the Hut, General Cartman Lee, Ajay Bruno......

Who is RGR/Ajay Bruno? I will show you the man behind the mask and the many names.

What does Ajay Bruno want? I'll show you:

What does that mean? One might ask.

I will tell you. Ajay wants power. He wants to be in charge of his party, his MU, and his nation. He will do anything to accomplish that goal, grant citizenship to our enemies to gain their support, have his congressional delegates actively seek to undermine the legitimate goals of the government, buy/intimidate voters,and shrink the pie. Ajay does not want noobs to join this game, thrive, and stay. Every successful noob is one more potential vote against him. One more threat to his goals. The choice is fairly easy when presented properly. One side wants you to blindly follow, or just quit. The other wants you to know the game, have all the resources you need to succeed in this game, and have fun playing. So please vote against the PTO this election, as an added bonus if you do Ajay will be unhappy. This was him last month after Stewie took the AFA away from him.

It's said that an ATO warrior gets their wings when Ajay cries, (okay no it's not I just made that up) as depicted by this triumphant ATO Knight.

Speaking of ATO warrior I would be remiss if I didn't mention Josh Frost , and Kody5. They and many others worked literally around the clock last PP election cycle. ATO forces are going to be hitting the AFA again. Derphoof, will be running for PP of the AFA this month. He is the latest in a long line of patriotic ATO heroes, that stretches back 5 years to Jaxon Leith, who have stood up and told Ajay and his minions that their attempts at derailment of our great Republic will not go unanswered. This election day is critical, every time RGR loses a host party he like any other contagion weakens while he floats looking for another host party to infect. On Monday the 15th I urge you all to use your votes wisely. Visit #voting before you vote. Our opponents will no doubt try to attack another party in search of a new shell party to shelter in.

I plan on publishing again Monday on election day it is my hope to be able to interview all 5 candidates for the top 5 parties. Until then signing off.

The eNPR Schedule:

eNPR Oval Office Radio airs live every Tuesday night, at 19:00 eRep (10pm Eastern, 7pm Pacific) on www.radiostaronline.net.

eNPR will be live Tuesdays at 19:00 with your hosts, Derphoof and Paul Proteus.

If you miss any live radio show, you can listen at your leisure, at eNPR Oval Office Radio.

Recommended Reading:

Dept of Education: [DoE] Library of Informative Links

This is the complete and comprehensive list of all resources available to US players.

Dept of Interior: [DoI] Free Stuff for America

Free stuff, fairly self explanatory

WHPR: [WHPR] Civil Service Job Fair

Want a job working in Civil Service? Click here!

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