[Bulgaria] Territorial enslavement and total lack of sovereignty

Day 787, 05:34 Published in Romania Russia by Ministry of Foreign Affairs RU

Good day to all fellow Bulgarians!. Our Romanian friends have written up a nice little piece of literary genius that we, eRussians, think requires a little clarification. So we corrected the original text a little but to make sure there's no misunderstanding about what the Romanian government really wanted to say. Enjoy.

"Before coming to logical conclusions and posting comments with "EDEN propaganda" after reading it, allow Kristache to tell you what this article is exactly that. I'm sure you've seen in your media the official statement of Romanian President, as well as other various collections of blatant lies and empty promises such as mihail.cazacu's one, both presenting a brick wall for peace talks between Romania and Bulgaria. This is NOT "yet another threat from our government" as considered them both and sure as hell IS intended to make you real scared like the little boys we like to imagine you are.

As you all can see, the Romanian army started yesterday a RW in Burgas, ended successfully today before day change. Bulgaria forcibly received its third region (after Varna and Vidin), having now 3 of its 6 original regions. It was a blatantly vicious move from which Romania gained yet another baloney argument to use in its propaganda war. SEAL Team 6, a US-controlled and EDEN-sponsored group of mercenaries, illegally entered Pakistan to undermine the work of the Bulgarian government, thus putting off the day Bulgaria can really be freed once again. It was intended as further proof of our hostile intentions, bringing our threats to reality. Phoenix can undo it in a matter of minutes, and it's up to you to decide if you want to become Romania's puppet buddy or act in your own interest.

I'm pretty sure that plenty of Hungarians will hurry to expose this article's ridiculous claims too as they did on the previous ones, especially accusing Romania of hypocrisy for not liberating one of its own Bulgarian regions (Ruse, Plovdiv, Sofia). Don't get blinded by Phoenix's common sense here, Romania is willing to forever enslave all of your regions, starting with Ruse, as soon as our governments reach an agreement on how much money we want to bribe you with to give up your homeland. We don't ask for anything but cooperation after we pay you off. A signed contract, as Romania and Ukraine did, could mean the start point of a new dark age for Bulgaria, with ruined regions and many more hostile armies operating on your territory. "Liberating" all of your regions without a written declaration of intent would give Romania absolutely no guarantees that the Bulgarian leadership is faithful to its citizens and not just fulfilling its part as a core Phoenix nation in the region.

Romania took its first steps towards your obliteration. Give up, betray your allies, and we won't hurt you that much. Maybe.

Thank you,
Romanian MoD"

Glad I'm here to translate from Romanianspeak to common sense for you. Hold on, Bulgaria.

Thank you,
Boris A
eRussian MoFA

http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/5421/headlinev2part1.jpg" />http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/1368/headlinev2part2.jpg" />
Политические прения в еБразилии проходят гораздо с меньшим накалом страстей. Верхушка правительства еБразилии чрезвычайно богата на кадры – Президент, вице-президент, первая леди (!), секретарь президента. Министерство обороны состоит из двух финансовых аналитиков, трёх стратегов, двух военных дипломатов. Двое министров, а так же шестеро (по каждой отрасли три – Ману и лэнд) образуют Министерство Финансов. Десять человек в Министерстве труда 😵 .. И так далее нувыпонели ))))
еБразильская пресса примерно раз в месяц устраивает конкурсы на звание «Мисс еБразилия» и «Мистер еБразилии». За последнюю неделю встречались статьи агитирующие правительство повоевать, так как только в боях можно хорошенько заработать экспы. Ну и как ответ – в настоящий момент еБразилия воюет с ЮАР. Так же нынешний президент еБразилии отметил последние действия HankScorpio в своей статье.
Деятельность посольства еРоссии:
С момента появления нового посла в еБразилии, было отмечен крайне тёплый приём и дружеское отношение к еРоссии. Несколько человек поделилось мечтами выучить русский язык, а так же был некто, кто желал восстановления СССР и союза восточно-европейских стран на одной основе с некогда существовавшем СССР. Также в ознаменование празднования ИРЛ «Дня России» проведена акция по раздаче хлеба (требовалось в комментах к статье написать «Hail eRussia»).
http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/4839/brlrupart1.jpg" />http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/2597/brlrupart2.jpg" />
P.S. Отдельно стоит отметить как происходят улаживание внутриминистерских конфликтов. На сравнении еРоссии и еБразилии:
- Где министр Финансов?!!!! Что??? Нет, мне кто-нибудь ответит, где этот #$#@$#!!!! Блиаааа!.. Придёт - убью!
- Где первый министр финансов?
- А второй где?
-.. не знаю
- Хэх,.. ну ладно. Потом тогда.

http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/4839/brlrupart1.jpg" />http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/2597/brlrupart2.jpg" />