[H.Nelson] 3 years in eRepublik

Day 1,639, 00:31 Published in Australia Australia by H.Nelson

Dear Friends,

Three years in eRepublik compares to 60 years in real life and to be honest, I never thought I would be still alive at this age. I’ve been through many ups and downs throughout the years and still playing, though I sometimes needed a month or two to rest and recover only to come back to serve eAustralia with a fresh mind.

Looking back at all this time and reviving old memories tells a story of strong dedication, loyalty and faith, something I do hope has inspired many young ones I have had the chance to meet during my career.

Let's have a quick look at some of the milestones and most memorable events my time here in eAustralia:

¤ published regular in-depth analyses on eAustralian elections being the first reporter in eAustralia focusing on statistics with pie charts and graphs that got a very positive reception from the public
¤ found much delight in media and did everything to help fellow writers and promote media-related activities in general
¤ served as Inspector General for three consecutive terms
¤ due to the permanent suspension I was handed shortly after securing my first ever Battle Hero medal I announced my departure from the game giving out all my gold to the True Australians War Fund

¤ got unbanned after a week with no apology or further explanation
¤ was chief organiser of the economic resistance during the eIndonesian oppression
¤ fought hard against the recurring eIndonesian takeovers, published a number of articles with up-to-date war reports, accurate ATO information, and voting guides

¤ founded the Australian Resistance Party and got all our senate candidates elected in October 2010
¤ have always been against any negotiations or so-called deals with the honourless eIndos breaching any agreement between the two nations any time they like

¤ always cared for my friends in eRepublik
¤ ran for Prime Minister in July 2011 and managed to come quite close of being elected taking 40.65% of votes
¤ worked tirelessly on strengthening good relations with our most loyal allies, the Greeks, getting in personal contact with a number of Greek officials including their Country President in the process

¤ achieved the prestigious Media Mogul award with no subscription buying
¤ raised my concerns about a training war with eNew Zealand, advocating the cessation of all training war activities due to the harm to the eAustralian economy

¤ when the highly criticised training war got out of hand and the eAustralian government completely fell apart I issued battle orders to inform the public as an everyday citizen with no government position held
¤ eventually became Prime Minister after the first successful impeachment in eAustralian history
¤ lead a successful campaign to ward off the eNZ threat by liberating NT and QLD in a series of epic battles, with massive help from eAustralia’s true friends

¤ went on to conquer Canterbury and cut eNZ into half as a countermeasure
¤ with probably the best cabinet in eAustralian history I conducted a short CP term full of action

¤ was voted and awarded the Best Player and Best Publisher at the 1st eAustralian National Awards ceremony in August 2011
¤ went on with my war reports after eIndonesia’s most recent betrayal
¤ celebrated the liberation and reunification of eAustralia on Independence Day

¤ was honoured to have been featured in Dartreal's series of comics with an entire episode dedicated to Supreme Fleet Commander H.Nelson
¤ after a well-deserved break returned to politics in Senate and as the leader of the Australian Independents
¤ got elected a record number of 20th times in Queensland in April 2012 and an overall 14th time as PP in May 2012

At the end of the day I’m glad to see that all these efforts were in no vain; today eAustralia is stronger than ever battling on two fronts and holding all of our original regions and a few more.

To conclude I’d like to say thank you to eAustralia and to all my friends for the good times. I hope future holds at least three more years of great battles, much fun and many new friends for all of us.


Former Prime Minister of Australia
Commander of the Order of Australia
20x Senator for Queensland
9x AI President
3x ARP President
2x AIP President
2x Resistance Hero of Queensland
2x Resistance Hero of New South Wales
1x Resistance Hero of Victoria
1x Resistance Hero of Tasmania
1x Battle Hero in Eastern Cape