H.Nelson is back in action

Day 1,462, 00:12 Published in Australia Australia by H.Nelson

Dear Friends,

When I left for my two-month holiday eAustralia was whole, possessing every state and territory of hers. We all knew that it was just a temporary status yet felt that our dream had been finally realised.

Looking at the current state of our nation there’s plenty of work to do, however, it seems rebuilding will be harder than ever. Kudos to those brave soldiers and smart diplomats whose efforts made it possible to have New South Wales. We have witnessed similar situations several times in the past, faced enormous obstacles and endured painful setbacks yet we always prevailed in the end.

I’m here to join this struggle once again and do my duty for my beloved eAustralia.


Former Prime Minister of Australia
Commander of the Order of Australia

P.S. In case you’re new and wondering who this guy that’s just so happy to be back is; I've been elected as Senator for Queensland more than a dozen times, served as Party President on a number of occasions and was Prime Minister of this fine nation during a wonderful eight-day period of my eLife a couple of months ago.