What to subscribe to - Papers recommended by H.Nelson

Day 922, 23:49 Published in Australia Australia by H.Nelson

Dear Readers,

From time to time I’ve been asked in private messages, mostly by new players, about which newspapers I would suggest for them to read in order to have a broader picture on what's going on in eAustralia.

After a couple of messages I thought I might as well publish a list in my newspaper, regularly update it, and simply recommend this selection to anyone with the intention of getting involved.

I’d like to mention at the outset that apart from official government papers the following list is completely subjective, and it reflects my very own stance on what is currently useful or interesting for me and for anyone who would like to keep up with the flow of events in our eCountry.

Clicking on the small icon will take you to the latest article of the given newspaper.

Government papers

by the Australian Defence Department

Up-to-date battle orders with basic instructions where and how to fight. Remember to check it out before you fight in order to learn where your damage is needed the most. The paper contains some useful links to fighting tutorials and regularly features recruitment calls.

by the eAus Department of Information

For the past months this paper illustrated with Dartreal’s lovely graphics has been a compass to Aussie politics, bringing the issues closer to everyone. Published at least once a week the paper includes regular topics like Senate and Cabinet activity, the Prime Minister’s announcements, elections results, war reports and a lot more.

by the Australian Housing Exchange

A relatively new initiative by the government; a place where you can list a house to sell or make an offer to buy one and you don’t need to worry about scammers. The organisation is run by government officials who regularly publish offers and help making a deal between the parties involved in the transaction.

by the Reserve Bank of Australia

If you are a businessperson this paper could be an important one to subscribe to. Published by the Minister of Finance it features government auctions and various tenders you might not want to miss out on.

Private papers

by Dartreal

Dartreal’s comics are simply terrific; he can make fun out of anything with his lovely comic characters. If you want to learn more about eAustralian history then his series ‘The eAustralian eHistory eComic’ is a must read. He deserves at least five media mogul medals for his contribution to eAussie media, however, he has just scored his first one recently.

by Aeros

A wide range of topics covered; mainly international news coverage, the majority of articles dealing with domestic issues lately. Very close to his 4th media mogul medal with 3,900+ subscribers.

by hillbilly jim

I often consider Hillbilly Jim’s articles as the definition of common sense. Some food for thought and brave opinions in a clear and sensible way, published irregularly, often as a response to ongoing debates. Not short of articles with ironic tone lately. 😛

by the iTechnology Corporation

All that you need to know about forum issues: announcements on scheduled maintenances, unexpected events, temporary solutions and upgrades straight from our forum admins’ desk.

by ShadowShaman

A unique perspective of the eRepublik world packed with irony by a self-declared ‘professional noob’. His articles include his admirable ambitions, a guide on how to become a noob and a great scientific review on the Evolution of the Noob. His latest article with the title Noob 101 - Noobs and You is probably the first of a new series.

by Goose Step

While Goose Step (formerly known as CrowdedHouse) is probably one the most controversial characters in eAus his talent of getting his message through with his articles is unquestionable. When he comes up with a topic you can be sure it is a hot one.

International papers

by Lieutenant Scheisskopf

Detailed analyses on war events by an American author with five media mogul medals. The paper informs the public on world events in an accurate way while it looks behind the scenes to cover the entire story, providing a comprehensive picture in the end.

by Carr De Vaux

Besides eMalaysian internal affairs their e😜resident’s newspaper regularly features some thought provoking articles. The vast majority of his articles are written in English and are not short of appropriate illustrations (among them the compulsory pics on his beautiful eGirl).

I think that's about it for now. If you like my article and appreciate my efforts please remember to

Best regards,

Senator for Queensland (9th term)
Australian Independent
AAR member (Bravo Squad)
Battle Hero in Eastern Cape
Commander of the Order of Australia