[PM] A Kind of Magic; Cabinet Updates.

Day 723, 11:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

Cabinet Updates

This week due to personal reasons, the MoW, Joachim von Bremen had to step down. Two times under Minister Lord Weiis will be taking over the ministry. He will continue to provide skill 0 jobs and for new players whilst offering advice. Not only that but the Department of munitions will produce weapons and tickets for the military.

Lord Rhindon the MoFA has been organising ambassadors and envoys in order to spread our niceness around the globe, and has so far settled well into the shoes left behind by AltmerVampire.
You can read Lord Rhindons update here.

You can also read a quick update from the treasury here, written by our MoF, Dillthedog.

The Recruitment office working under the MoD has released a range of articles so far, which you can see here;

A Marines Tale
eUK Recruitment Office
Soldier Strength
Praise the Lord and pass the Ammunition

This week I shall be reviewing the work of all ministries and work with ministers to ensure all is going to plan, lending a hand with the running and ideas and making sure all is going well.

Training Wars and Gifting

If you’re not subscribed to the MoD’s paper you may not be aware of the training wars that the eUK is involved in.

Training wars allow you to increase in rank, and, if your wellness is low you can fight once and heal at your local hospital.

If your wellness is below 40, you will not be able to fight and so must raise your wellness, gifting or a higher Q of food may help raise it, but if you feel stuck you can contact the British Gifting Hub and ask for gifting and advice.

Failing that, you may want to consider working in a commune, the PCP run the peoples communes where you can work on a minimum wage but in return will be given what you produce - Q2 food for example. This allows your health to gradually rise and is an effective way to get your wellness back up to 40. Contact Draaglom for more details.


The Royal Navy Training Division has kicked off quite well, and with the help of our Ambassador to Hungary, GGRyan, a transfer scheme has been organised, where by new recruits move to Hungary to work and fight.

Whilst there they shall be contacted by a Hungarian mentor, and if the trial works well the MoD shall look into expanding it too all new recruits.

The Navy and SF have seen numerous deployments few the past weeks, so if you’re wanting to get involved in fighting you should definitely look into joining.

Mr Woldy,
Prime Minister.

Please vote, and subscribe.

Are you a new player? Be sure to check the People’s Gazette New player’s guide.
Confused by war and fighting? Check the guides to wellness and wars.

And get on the forums, and get involved!

Remember to get your subscription to the government newspapers.
You can find them here:

Ministry of Defence
eUK Home Office (MoHa)