[Mav] Hallo Österreich!

Day 1,268, 22:38 Published in Austria India by Mav10 DK

Diktatory Warning: Get Informed, Get Inspired, Get Involved. Don't be a Dik.
May 11, Day 1268 | Article #48.0 | Tags: Introduction; Move to eAustria; Views on the War
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Hallo Österreich!
Hoffe, Sie haben Spaß? (Hope you are having fun?)

First, let me do a quick intro. You can call me Mav. eIndia has been my home for over 2 years now, and barring a break of few months (which messed up my stats) I've been mostly in the thick of things. I've handled various departments from Internal Affairs, Foreign Affairs and recently as President.

eIndia is on 'stable ground' now having seen off many a major threat, and recently I felt its time I sought a change of scenery; experience different cultures, systems, people. I was a bit undecided where to move, but a couple of talks with my long time friends, Alex & Rangeley, and here I am. My travels may take me to other nations, but for now, till this current crisis has been sorted, I'll do all I can in my limited power to stand by eAustria in her time of need.

Why eAustria? There are after all other nations under threat too, other nations where I have friends... Well to put it simply; I see a lot of potential here. I see eAustria in a most challenging geo-political location, standing on a knife's edge, balancing survival and neutrality, a policy I strongly believe in personally; fending off forces much 'stronger' than themselves - many factors which remind me of eIndia & her story of survival against challenging odds. And I have experience in evening odds.

I am not much of a soldier - 1k hit soldiers are a dime a dozen. But I am somewhat good in diplomacy - a game I've played long, hard and well for eIndia. I don't know to what extent I can help right away, and have just started getting up to date on how things are. Goes without saying that I'll be reading & listening more over the next few days; getting an idea of how things are from those who already are in the hot seats. But all in all, I am ready to serve eAustria in any way I possibly can.

My only condition ~ I get Free Bier! Is that so much to ask? \o/

Preferably with the girl on the right...

It seems I couldn't have come at a more interesting time. The Austria-Slovakia war's under-way, and from what I read, its gonna be a fine challenge with Polish forces backing them up. I appreciate the 'Neutral' or as I like to put it personally, 'Independent' stance that eAustria has; I've been a staunch neutralist myself for as long as I can remember. Guess this will be a true resolve of eAustria's resolve and resilience now.

I can only say, 'what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger' & well in virtual games, thankfully, we don't die. Heh so its all good. Whatever the outcome of the current conflict, rest assured, & I talk from long months of experience here, eAustria will emerge stronger than before.


Your Mavotravelorious,
~ FA Advisor, eIndia
~ TDC Editor ~ Knight of DODGE ~ Dik Grande ~ ex-IAF Soldier
>>> Thoughts on Dioism <<<

Thanks to all my readers. Please leave a comment below, or PM.

Previous Ego-boosters:
The Philosophy of eIndia ~ Respect: A Tribute to eRepublik ~ eRepublik Admin on Twitter: "the article is close to a definition of what eRepublik should represent to the bigger part of the player-base. Respect!" / Joy Bangla / Make Each Day Count / eFreedom - Are You A Free Citizen? / Rules of the Game ~ A Congress Election Manual / Do I sound Prime Ministerial enough? / I AM HERE!!! [Part I] / I am Game! / Lead India! Lead The World! / Be The Fourth Frog / eIndia Needs You Now! / Its A Long Way To The Top If You Wanna Rock n Roll / Let's Dance! Rawwwwr! / The end draws near / Who Wants Some Pizza? / Kick Dio B*** / Keep The Faith / Don't Panic / Salute to China-EDEN / Rise of Dik Grande / Get Informed, Get Inspired / For an Independent eIndia / See you around, eIndia

>> Having low wellness, unable to fight, or having trouble understanding the game? Send me a in game message TODAY!!!
>> Bored with just Work & Train; experience FUN, become a Congressman or a Business Tycoon; an eAustrian Soldier or even President!! Join the eAustria Forums, IRC Chat (#austria)! DO MORE, BE MORE!!!
>> Want to fight, but don’t know where or how? Contact the Minister of Defense & follow the Austrian Army Orders! MAKE THE DAMAGE COUNT!!!
>> Official eAustrian Media: ~ Bundespressedienst / Ministry of Defense

IRC Chat: #austria (Rizon) [Nick: maverick10 / PizzaBoy] / leave me a PM on my BNC [silentobserver]