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Thanking our former members

9 Day 3,006, 07:10 Published in Pakistan Pakistan Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Respected Citizens,

Today I would like to thank my former party members who helped establishing PTI during difficult times. I would like to thank them for their efforts.

1) Sam (Former Vice President PTI)
He was the founding member of

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Country President Elections

10 Day 2,998, 04:18 Published in Pakistan Pakistan Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Respected Citizens,

First of all I thank Pak Party for providing me a platform to contest next elections. These elections will decide the future of e Pakistan and that's the reason I want every citizen to vote which so ever candidate they choose.

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Condemn Government

10 Day 2,988, 02:28 Published in Pakistan Pakistan Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Respected Citizens,

Today I strictly condemn the actions of government. The government put their personal benefits ahead and put the stability of country on stake.
Although I had some reservations on dictatorship and on some policies of current

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Condemn Charsadda Incident

5 Day 2,983, 02:27 Published in Pakistan Pakistan Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Respected Citizens,

Today, a very painful incident occurred in Charsadda,Pakistan where students who are our future were targeted by terrorists. After Peshawar incident, this is another attack on our future. This is not attack only on Charsadda

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Minister Of Education

5 Day 2,981, 06:31 Published in Pakistan Pakistan Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Respected Citizens,

Today I am addressing you as education minister of Pakistan. I believe this is the most important ministry as it is related with the future of our country. We need to educate our children for any hope of success in future. I

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