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9 Day 2,654, 21:21 Published in India India Battle orders Battle orders


murgiya kitna bhi PAK PAK karle ..Sher nahi ban sakti :"D

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My opinion on "how we can fight and win battles."

11 Day 2,649, 06:52 Published in India India Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

After examine many players of Eindia , i have seen that many players are of good strengths and many are very weak comparable to them.

The idea m thinking is why not dividing players according to the strength and activity.

what i am thinking is

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How to make "opponents doing high damage for india."

4 Day 2,648, 19:56 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

every opponent should do damage for their own country preferably.

if they trying to get bh from our side too, and you want india to win.
do this .. "what i did "

i did tried to steal both the bhs and made the bar slightly towards india.

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NEED workers

8 Day 2,646, 05:06 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Well i need workers for my companies.

i am ready to pay around 40cc

If the number is more than 4 , there will be surprise distribution of weapons and food in the end of week and surprise increments also.

to apply for being my employee : go

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12 Day 2,545, 19:55 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Come on, since when did we start fighting for Albania? Can't we have a better DO?

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