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Din nou despre taxe - Taxa de import

34 Day 3,858, 00:42 Published in Romania Romania Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Va salut dragi jucatori activi ai eRepublik!

Dupa ce in urma cu ceva timp m-am luptat pentru reducerea taxei pe munca iar acum putem vedea efectele benefice (incasari de 400k cc/zi la o taxa de numai 2😵 a venit timpul sa aduc in atentia publica

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Survey results

13 Day 3,809, 01:01 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

As we can see, 92 players voted in the survey.
Let's see some conclusions.

1) there are some more interesting modules and some less interesting ones.

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Choose the one!

30 Day 3,807, 06:49 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Later edit: now we have the results and some conclusions

I created a poll in order to see which eRepublik module is the most appreciated and which is the one that should be the most improved.

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How to improve the game - work overtime

40 Day 3,788, 22:26 Published in Romania Romania Financial business Financial business

Hi everybody,

I came back with a proposal for game developers and i need your feedback. As you can see, job salaries goes up every day. Very soon we will work for more than 1 gold/work. Reasons are not so important right now. What i propose is

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La multi ani eRepublikancelor!

5 Day 3,761, 02:12 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Legea 22/2016 spune că 8 Martie este Ziua femeii, iar 19 nov. este Ziua bărbatului.
Legea 31/2009 spune ca Ziua mamei se sărbătorește in prima duminica a lunii mai, iar Ziua tatălui în a doua duminică a lunii mai.

Am gasit aceasta informatie

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