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[The Belgian Paras] Report days 1633-1672

11 Day 1,674, 10:49 Published in Belgium Belgium Warfare analysis Warfare analysis


It took me a little bit more time then I had anticipated to write this report and give you an accurate view of what's going on with paras.

This report covers a 40 day period starting on day 1633 and ending on day 1672.

1. Activity

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eBelgians, eBelgium needs you !

27 Day 1,662, 03:18 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Ever wonder what was to this game beyond clicking the fight work and train buttons ? I know most simply don’t care about a browser game beyond that point but there’s a thriving community out there eager to welcome the newcomers and new

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On being "independent"

19 Day 1,658, 08:30 Published in Belgium Belgium Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Good evening,

Recently you’ve seen an article by Tony Clifford with the positions of each individual country in the current World War. I would advise all to

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Economy module (Advanced)

13 Day 1,652, 03:18 Published in Belgium Belgium Financial business Financial business

Good evening,

Tonight I will present you the advanced application of basic economics within eRepublik. The goal here is to make you understand what factors you need to take into account when calculating the income you get from having a company or

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Financial strategy for the State

17 Day 1,647, 07:41 Published in Belgium Belgium Financial business Financial business

Good evening,

It has been some time since I wrote an article so it seemed a good point in time to bring you a different view on things I’ve been busy with for the past months. As background information, I have served two terms as CP stimulating

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