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Be clever again! Janeway game part 6!

21 Day 1,890, 02:26 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

And there the great quiz is back!
So join it.

The quesion: This English detective lived in Rome long ago.

Become the new JGT !!
And.. win the price.


James Janeway
(candidate to become member of congress of Iron and Wine!)

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Is this what we want??

8 Day 1,883, 06:28 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Oke, we have a deal with the Polish. And we have our 'freedom' back..
for 1 region.
And no right to fight to free the others.

I will ask every player:
Is this what we want?
Is this what we expected from our government?

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Iron & Wine, growing, but...

11 Day 1,879, 03:12 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Since i became president of Iron and Wine the party has grown a little. We started with 28 members. Now we have 30. Nice, but..

Not enough..

I have to admit that i had expected more in the last few weeks. It is true, it are weeks with holidays

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Be clever again... Janeway game part 5!

19 Day 1,878, 02:34 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

And again a new question. I learned we have very smart players amongst us. So join them!

This river worked in China.


James Janeway
party leader Iron and Wine.

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Be clever again. Janeway Game. Part 4!

9 Day 1,876, 01:16 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

And i am back with my game.
Become the new J.G.T. !!!
(and win a nice price and.. honour!)


This leader was a stupid cat.


James Janeway.
Partyleader of Iron and Wine.

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