WHPR [Day 1,221] World on Fire

Day 1,221, 16:13 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

1.) Congress Election Today
2.) Glove: World on Fire
3.) Emerick: The Big Picture
4.) Interior: Do This
*.) Solid Links

Congress Election Today:

Citizens!: Stay alert. Stay up late. Have your moving tickets ready. Contact your Party President or an election organizer at #ATO for advice on how your vote can help the most.

Vote smart.

To keeep up with breaking news on the election, check out Gnilraps 16 Shells. He's been posting updates throughout the day.

World on Fire:

President Glove posted a dramatic address to the nation in The Day the World Was Set on Fire. Along with outlining the reasons for going to war with Poland and declaring respect for our allies, he donated 250 Q5 tanks and 10,000 wellness worth of food to patriotic fighters.

Some Glovely words:

"For too long have we suffered under the Great Depression, this is our moment, our time. We, with our allies abroad, will become a single entity, a solid unified bloc, we will win together and defend each other."

"No distractions, no fear."

"we will prevail, or die fighting."

The Big Picture:

Minister of Foreign Affairs Emerick displayed his own distinctive style in explaining the current world situation in Prophecy Be a Fickle Mistress.

If you don't already subscribe to his paper, All Out Attack, then... WTF? Do I have to hit you with a stick?

Teucer Joins Interior Staff:

Longtime eRep stalwart and economics whiz Teucer has joined CRoy's staff at the Dept. of Interior. Along with CRoy and jerseygirldani, Teucer will be responsible for posting regular updates to the press on what's going on domestically.

A fine writer, Teucer quickly exhibited his style with an article reviewing Congressional Business for March 2011

Also check out CRoy's latest, Do This, Not That, which provides excellent and straight-forward advice on how to succeed at eRepping.

Vote 'em up!

Subscribe to and vote every day for WH Press Room (WHPR), and to the papers listed below

- Department of Defense Orders, from the Department of Citizen Orders

- Easyrider, from the Pony Express

- The Vanguard World, President Glove's paper

The grass stands up again.
At his step everything seems to find
inside itself a certain form of calm.
It can't be a great distance
- he thought.

-- Carlos Barbarito

xio, PQ