Prophecy be a fickle mistress

Day 1,220, 08:55 Published in USA USA by Emerick
One that apparently escapes my grasp.

That's pretty Big Boss, am I correct?

Anyways, here's our actual situation:

I know that's hard to see, there are close ups in the future, so chill for now. Now, what happened shouldn't surprise any student of history: Germany sparked another world war.

Those if us in Terra HQ have had discussions with and without Germany about having them join our alliance since the very beginning. Before Turkey was halfway admitted, before talks began with the UK, and before we ever fought for Brozil against Spain, Germany approached us. During our discussions, we considered Germany-France-UK entry as a packaged deal. However, the UK wasn't ready yet, and to be honest, our alliance wasn't mature enough to take on anyone.

Then the Turkey thing happened where Turkey was asking for entrance and we told them that our alliance with Greece was too valuable to lose over someone joining our new alliance, so make peace with them and they'd be granted entrance, and that never happened but Turks were still treated like full members by everyone else and it caused confusion.


Here, look at this:

Some more timeline for you:
We let in France at the beginning of mizu's term, around the 8th of February, then the UK some time afterward. I wasn't in Panam HQ at this time, so I don't know specifics. Then, last week, we voted Germany's entrance into Terra. jamesw waited a few days for the announcement, since he had just made an address that day, but Germans started piling into Terra HQ, and I began to learn about the discussions Germany was having with Poland regarding renting regions. Poland was already renting Thuringia, Baden, and Berlin from them, for 50g. (Side note: this is the same amount we were renting iron from Ireland for) With the new trade route rules, Poland would need regions to connect it to their capital. They offered Germany 50 gold for the two regions to make the connections, plus the three regions they were already renting. To be clear, Poland offered Germany a sum of 50 gold for 5 regions.

Germany's actual counter offer

Then Poland was like

And then this happened. Then this naturally followed.

France, being Germany's bro, was all like "I'll save you~" and did this. Then Spain was all like "lol" and did this.

Then Terra deliberated. Two Terra nations under attack by two much more powerful countries. Of course we had to get involved. After hours of discussion on strategy, where's what we came up with:

So now, there's only one thing left to say:

Hot enough for you?