Interesting month for PP Elections

Day 875, 10:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Humphrey Appleby

Links to each Party's party presidential elections can be found at the bottom.

Changing position of the right and reiteration of the left

With the upcoming PP elections, it seems rather ordinary that upon a very simple scan of most PP manifestos; congressional seats are one of their highest priorities. Such a ploy is obvious when we consider how many of the party elite are willing to pledge their support if their parliamentary seat is threatened by either incompetence or any other general threat that the Mobile Voting prowess of their party isn’t strong enough to guarantee it (minus, naturally, the BEP – they do not Mobile Vote as they have no Mobile Voters 😑).

It is interesting then, after an obvious statement of last month’s General Election – the outstanding performance of the TUP administration delivering them an almost complete majority in the House of Commons – what the bickering leaders and potential leaders of the right may scheme amongst themselves to do away with this terrible harbinger of electoral results. After of course, we’ve finished picturing them in their Q5 houses as the grand guardians of capitalism (sentence provided to keep the PCP subscribers happy).

So, you overeducated little runt, what do you suggest these pig disgusting capitalists do?

Very good question.

After the invasion by American and other silly EDEN forces, almost all membership gains went to the TUP – and who can blame them? The only real thought of success and prosperity came from the claims of the left; and thus the Unity Party offered exactly what the country needed.

But the combined power of the right was still stronger than the TUP on its own. The TUP still easily remains the unchallenged political party of the eUK and this month shouldn't see a significant change in that; all Party Presidential candidates for them seem to reiterate the "unity" in their title in the fact so many have decided to run 😛.

Indeed, but the parties of the right and the RFA’s famous identity crisis simply haven’t consider mutual co-operation in these elections.

Who knows, we might see a very interesting month ahead of us if they stop drowning themselves in champagne and get the three-line whip out! Our these lovely brea-

Party President Manifestos

UKs Finest
Andy Millward (Lady Gaga IRL)

Sir Digby Chicken Caesar
Tom Marx Gardner.


James Hutchinson
Dan Moir

Big-Joe Pryde

And for reading right the way to the end, here's a funny picture.