UK's finest for RFA PP (second time) - Overload

Day 874, 01:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
Over my last month I have learnt much being the President of this Party. I feel I have the knowlege and capability to build on what I have done this term...

RFA sub forums

At the start of my PP term I removed the 'Welcome Forum' and this have proved a wise move. The new players have a thread and they are 'less new' in the sense they don't have a patronising forum dedicated to them. Through this month there has been talk of removing our 'Education Forum'. I have decided this could not happen, and after clearing all the old posts out I have starting making threads in here. This forum is not about giving new players tips, but passing on cool tricks and bits of advice that make experienced players erep experience better too.

Summary: 'Welcome Forum' deleted, 'Edu Forum' remaining and being put to use.

Roles inside the party

Media Director:

This will be the person in charge of media, ads and general promotion. I would like to aim for 2 official RFA articles a week. As we have a good system of making and releasing articles made by different people. The media director does not have to be behind them all, but should co-ordinate RFA press.

Elections Director:

Will be responsible for directing all congress activities, such as moving people around, communication via the forum and general organising. Should organise the Party Presidents primary vote and other appropriate events. Finally, this person will need to be central in Country President elections if the RFA is running a candidate or not. The role encompass the organising of the CP campaign in every respect and should work closely with the candidate and the party (or parties) involved.


This person is responsible for the party as a whole, and should ensure activity is maintained and the other directors are being sufficiently helped in their roles.

Policy Director:

Will be responsible for the debates on policy and making these views of the RFA known to the public.

Recruitment Director:

This role involves working with the PP on ads, directing mass mailing, and articles. They should also use inventive ways, and have initiative to come up with inspirational ways to get people involved with the party.

Summary: I have remove the position of 'Community Director' and have changed 'Congress Director' so the person is involved with all 3 elections. I have also set out a better outline for the positions, and it is clearer than before.

Congress elections

I will run one candidate in each region as I did a similar plan this time. I have learned that work on congress should begin the day after PP elections, that London should hold 2 serious candidates and one blocking candidate. It is important to organise congress hopefuls, but at the end of the day they are responsible for their own fate. No one is guaranteed mobile voters, if I am PP, and we will be focusing more recourses on candidates that work with us, and demonstrate they will benefit the country.

Summary: 1 candidate in each region (2 in London), prioirty will go to better candidates even if this means less people get in and our stats suffer: UK's congress > party.

The individuals collective!

If I am elected Party President then my theme will move on from neutrality. Instead my theme will be what the Free Thinkers Party or FTP (the early stages of the RFA) set out to achieve. The idea of it being 'the individuals collective' seems to have been lost long ago, but I want to revive that.

To often parties (and I am not excusing the RFA here) have sought to push candidates into congress as it looks good on stats, but often the people given congress powers are not the best people out there. This 'revived ideal' is better for the United Kingdom than the party as the party will appear worse off in the stats. However this should not bother us as we are doing the right thing. I can only hope that putting the country first is something all the other PP's would consider too.

Summary: It is better to have respect than masses of members in congress (this is not a dig at the party with more congress members than us).

Bullet-pointed goals

I will strive for these things to be accomplished by the end of the month:

- Growth in our membership in the RFA forum

- An improvement on our 7 congress members

- 2 official articles weekly

- Becoming 'the individuals collective'

- Continued co-operation with all of the other top 5 parties

- Maintain our crisp forum so even the newest newbie ever can enjoy the ‘RFA experience’

- Nurture our new journalists to the best of our ability

- Further expansion of the Education Forum

Jumping on the bandwagon

As it has become a custom to stick random pictures of your avatar into manifesto articles here is mine:

Me looking serious despite jamesw being daft, and trying to hold the straight face.