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Please excuse my bad English; I'm American.

Sad But True

44 763 jour, 14:54 Published in USA USA

A few weeks ago, I was coming home very late from work, and my wife encountered me with a sour face:

"Where have you been?", she aggressively asked
"Honey, I have to admit", I replied, "I had an affair with a beautiful

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Dear Mr/Mrs Admin,

6 763 jour, 12:56 Published in USA USA

Due to a deficiency in our equation of universal relativity, we regretfully inform you that you no longer exist.

Have a nice day.


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12 762 jour, 18:43 Published in USA USA

Did you like the title? Well it was just to get you to subscribe. Why subscribe? Well, why not? I'm going for the Media Mogul medal just like everyone else.

Just so I haven't completely wasted your time:

A lawyer married a woman who

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3 734 jour, 19:09 Published in USA USA

So I made it to level 20. Now what? Any suggestions?

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The Number of the Beast

168 660 jour, 13:51 Published in USA USA

Has anyone noticed that Day 666 of the New World is coming soon? September 16, 2009 will be the infamous day. This day should be commemorated by the Admins in some glorious way. Vote this article up and tell others to as well so we can get the

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