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Please excuse my bad English; I'm American.

[South Korea - USA] Ambassador Talks Part 1

2 941 jour, 07:23 Published in South Korea South Korea

This is my first official report as the South Korean Ambassador to the USA. I was chosen for the position due to living there for over a year in eRepublik and serving politically and militaristically. My job now is to be a link between our two

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[South Korea - USA] Ambassador Talks Part 1

3 941 jour, 07:22 Published in USA USA

This is my first official report as the South Korean Ambassador to the USA. I was chosen for the position due to living there for over a year in eRepublik and serving politically and militaristically. My job now is to be a link between our two

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The Trojan Returns

2 933 jour, 21:32 Published in USA USA

The past three months I have sorta two-clicked to decide whether I wanted to continue my eRepublik career. I have officially decided to return, but this time I will be located in South Korea (my new home). This decision was not made lightly. My RL

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All Roads Lead To Rome

22 821 jour, 08:25 Published in USA USA

My road has officially reached Rome in my journey through eRepublik. I've had a lot of fun but it is time to leave. I know most people won't even notice my absence but its nice to think that someone cares. I apologize that this has to be so sudden

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4 779 jour, 06:51 Published in USA USA

I saw this joke and its pretty cool. Not very funny though; just thought I'd share it with you all.

Jack wakes up with a huge hangover after attending his company's Christmas Party. Jack is not normally a drinker, but the drinks didn't … en savoir plus »