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Make My Day

27 1,172 jour, 15:38 Published in Australia Australia

It is with some sadness that I read the diatribe directed at the Sir_C0nstant Government. I do understand that the only way some citizens can build their own self esteem is to make desperate searches to fill their own void by expressing emotion it

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Economic Update - Where to Invest?

12 1,166 jour, 15:32 Published in Australia Australia

The outlook for the eRepublik Economy is still not good with the Manager work rule. As company mangers acquire more and more companies the over production problem becomes worse. Overproduction keeps currencies depreciating as prices and wages

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Economic Collapse

27 1,160 jour, 15:53 Published in Australia Australia

Over the past few days and especially in the last 24 hours we have seen currency markets everywhere fall in a hole. What is going on????

Well it is all perfectly logical. The series of recent changes to the game have set up a perfect storm

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I'm Bored

22 1,155 jour, 08:28 Published in Australia Australia

If you are bored I am ashamed. It is come to my attention that at this time a group of eAutralians want to up and move to another country because it sounds like a good idea.

If you think the grass is greener on the other side of the hill could

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Economic Update

10 1,152 jour, 19:43 Published in Australia Australia

Well courtesy of Admin we have been through some massive changes over the last few days with company manager work. The additional volume of goods produced has led to large price reductions especially Manufactures and falls in wages.

A couple

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