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Greek Columns

16 1,479 jour, 15:46 Published in Greece Greece Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Although in Greece only a short while I have learnt a simple fact about architecture. If you remove the wrong column the building falls down.

ONE may be strong in numbers which makes them very powerful yet like Goliath they have a weakness.

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Remember September and Vote ANP

11 1,404 jour, 23:26 Published in Australia Australia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

With great pride I hereby announce the Official ANP ticket for September '11. Vote ANP and there will be no surprises you know what we stand for as this is the ANP mantra

We must stop giving our land away,
We must get rid of elite waste, and

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Currency Level

6 1,210 jour, 20:14 Published in Australia Australia

As the budget has been passed by the senate and the appropriate legislation put it I need to return to my mantra of exchange rate of currency for gold.

Right now there is nothing to suggest that the fundamental value of the Australian dollar is

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Message to the Hanrahans

26 1,208 jour, 22:38 Published in Australia Australia

I like DA's humour these days it is a pity that his fellow, ok I wont use that word since so many take offence, actually think he is serious. A few here are stuck in a rut of attempting to spread a message that we will all be rooned. Lets have a

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Currency Crises

7 1,205 jour, 20:46 Published in Australia Australia

The 10g conversion limit has had a massive impact on the currency market and those that thought this would cause a gold shortage due to the inablitity to convert have found out the reverse effect and this has caused a significant currency shortage.

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