Gold mit amerikanischen Umfragen machen [Tutorial]

Day 797, 07:23 Published in Germany Germany by KTTRS
***English version below 🙂 ***

Hrsgg. von KTTRS ,


- Sommerloch / Leraia als neuer PP
- Herbert spricht Klartext
- Developements in Terra and what they mean for Germany - Ein englischsprachiger Kommentar von KTTRS zur jetzigen Krise in Terra
- Slayer10 gibt einen aus
- Theatrum Mundi #4

Es gab zugegebenermaßen wenig zu hören in letzter Zeit von den Steinmetzen. Dies liegt zum einen daran, dass ein Großteil der ehemals aktiven Leute in die USA ausgewandert ist, zum anderen wohl dass die meisten aktiven Mitglieder auch noch IRL mit Herausforderungen wie dem Konsum alkoholhaltiger Getränke bei schönem Wetter in diversen Teilen Deutschlands beschäftigt ist.
Dankenswerterweise hat sich Leraia nach langer Inaktivität bereit erklärt das Amt des PPs zu übernehmen um so unser Sommerloch zu überwinden. Im Forum haben sich bereits überaschend viele neue/junge Parteimitglieder zur Kongresskandidatur bereit erklärt, womit immerhin schon einmal der Weg für die nächste Wahl geebnet ist.

Die Steinmetze empfehlen die Lektüre dieses Artikels des Pressesprecher unserer Regierung, Herbert Mustermann. Der Artikel selbst, sagt aus, was mit Sicherheit vielen eDeutschen auf dem Herzen lag. Da erübrigt sich jeder weitere Kommentar in diesem Artikel.
Der Artikel lässt auch hoffen, dass uns ein weiterer Totalausfall von dieser Art erspart bleibt.

Developments in Terra and what they mean for Germany:
a comment written by KTTRS

As everybody should know, Brazil left Terra some days ago. The only German article informing about this is from Dead Dreamer which means there is no official statement from our government yet. A topic that serious, should clearly get more media-coverage, which is also a reason for this article.

Again to repeat the most important facts: Brazil left Terra mostly because of “internal practices of the alliance”. The explicit trigger for their departure have been the last HQ-Elections, in which the Canadian CP changed his vote after seemingly being pressured by HQ-Members (which is actually forbidden according to the Terra-Electionsheet).

Well in the end kev2629 won the election and Brazil left Terra. One problem, which I already mentioned in some comments is that the Terra-HQ has been divided for quite some time. If for example Oblige (the other candidate for SG) would have won the election we might have had a similar problem, but this time with the USA (which might have made things even worse than they are now). Imho the fact that several fractions work against each other in one alliance is just ridiculous and won’t help to improve the current situation. This also means that not one fraction alone can be blamed for everything that went wrong in the last weeks.

So there are a lot reasons not to be happy with the current state of Terra and Brazil basically did the first step and left. This might also mean the formation of new alliances, about which a lot speculations and “secret”-talks are going on. The most recent example have been the talks between the Brazilian vMoFA Trayker and the Polish MoFA prophet009, which have been published in RizonPT’s last article. An earlier example with logs of a meeting that discussed the formation of a similar alliance is from Siggy/Segurma.

Right now the idea of a new super alliance with the USA, Brazil, Spain, Poland and China as core members seems a bit far fetched, especially because there seem to be no real common enemies and countries that are allied with one country are enemies of the other one. But in the end, that is nothing a bit propaganda could’nt fix. Just remember the great friendship Poland and Croatia had before the formation of ONE. It needed some convincing to get the majority of Poland to finally fight against Croatia but in the end it worked (except for the famous Crolaks, who stayed true to their old allies).

Allright new alliance plans, whatever...what would all this mean for Germany and other medium countries?

If such an alliance would come into place, Germany/France/Netherlands/Portugal would be even more helpless against their stronger neighbours than they are now. Basically our countries would serve as playground for that alliance without being a serious enemy. I know that right now the thought of the USA abandoning us sounds unlikely, but there are already Propaganda-articles by influential persons in the US-media, claiming for example that the US never really got help from other Terra countries when it was needed the most and creating some kind of Anti-Euro sentiment (while France and Germany arethe only real European battlefield for Terra itself).
So while the uncountable times Germany opened Tedenwide supplies for the US and other countries got neglected (does ring a bell?) it’s claimed and emphasized that “Terra HQ decided that since all of Terra was wiped it was selfish of us (the US) to ask for help, so they declared our situation unwinnable.”

Everyone in Germany knows, that we are a millstone around the neck of Terra (actually of every alliance) with Poland as our neighbour. But that is also a reason why a big majority of Germans have been and still are fervent supporters of Terra.
We are small, we are involuntary a bridge for Poland to the west, but it would be just unfair to trample on our commitment after months of support.

Free Tanks! Der frühere deutsche CP, Polarisator und Eroberer der Schweiz slayer10 verschenkt zur Feier seines über 1000tägigen Geburtstags 10q6-Tanks an jeden eDeutschen-Nichtidioten der unter seinem Artikel kommentiert. Ihr denkt ihr seid eDeutsch? Ihr denkt ihr seid kein eIdiot? Versucht eurer Glück und schreibt einen Kommentar!

Eine der wenigen Deutschen Kwalitätszeitungen, die Theatrum Mundi von VonEich wurde heute in ihrer vierten Ausgabe (diesmal wieder auf Deutsch) veröffentlicht. Da gibt es nur eins: Lesen, voten und subsriben, sowie auf die nächste Aufgabe sehnlichst warten.
Für unsere englischsprachigen Leser empfehlen wir die Ausgabe #3, die auch auf Englisch erschienen ist.

Soweit zur heutigen Ausgabe, fühlt euch eingeladen in unseren berühmten IRC-Channel vorbeizuschaun:

Kritik, Wünsche, Anregungen? Du willst helfen? Besuch uns im IRC unter #we_do!

Published. by KTTRS,


- Silly Season / Leraia as new PP
- Herbert comes clear
- Developements in Terra and what they mean for Germany - A Comment by KTTRS about the current Terra-Crisis
- Slayer10 celebrates
- Theatrum Mundi #4

There have been admittedly few news from die Steinmetze. The reasons for that are on the one hand the emigration of many active people of our party to the eUSA, but on the other hand also the increased consumption of alcoholic beverages combined with sunny weather IRL. A most difficult challenge for every active member.
Thankfully Leraia volunteered after a long period of inactivity to take care of the PP-business during the “silly season”. There have been surprisingly many new/young party members declaring their intention to run for congress in our board, which means the way for the next election is already paved.

Die Steinmetze recommend the lecture of this article by Germany’s governmental spokesman, Herbert Mustermann. The article states some things, many Germans had on their mind for sure. This also makes any further comment about the matter in this article redundant.
Herbert’s article let’s one hope that we will be spared from further complete fails [like this in the official governmental newspaper.

Developments in Terra and what they mean for Germany:
a comment written by KTTRS

As everybody should know, Brazil left Terra some days ago. The only German article informing about this is from Dead Dreamer which means there is no official statement from our government yet. A topic that serious, should clearly get more media-coverage, which is also a reason for this article.

Again to repeat the most important facts: Brazil left Terra mostly because of “internal practices of the alliance”. The explicit trigger for their departure have been the last HQ-Elections, in which the Canadian CP changed his vote after seemingly being pressured by HQ-Members (which is actually forbidden according to the Terra-Electionsheet).

Well in the end kev2629 won the election and Brazil left Terra. One problem, which I already mentioned in some comments is that the Terra-HQ has been divided for quite some time. If for example Oblige (the other candidate for SG) would have won the election we might have had a similar problem, but this time with the USA (which might have made things even worse than they are now). Imho the fact that several fractions work against each other in one alliance is just ridiculous and won’t help to improve the current situation. This also means that not one fraction alone can be blamed for everything that went wrong in the last weeks.

So there are a lot reasons not to be happy with the current state of Terra and Brazil basically did the first step and left. This might also mean the formation of new alliances, about which a lot speculations and “secret”-talks are going on. The most recent example have been the talks between the Brazilian vMoFA Trayker and the Polish MoFA prophet009, which have been published in RizonPT’s last article. An earlier example with logs of a meeting that discussed the formation of a similar alliance is from Siggy/Segurma.

Right now the idea of a new super alliance with the USA, Brazil, Spain, Poland and China as core members seems a bit far fetched, especially because there seem to be no real common enemies and countries that are allied with one country are enemies of the other one. But in the end, that is nothing a bit propaganda could’nt fix. Just remember the great friendship Poland and Croatia had before the formation of ONE. It needed some convincing to get the majority of Poland to finally fight against Croatia but in the end it worked (except for the famous Crolaks, who stayed true to their old allies).

Allright new alliance plans, whatever...what would all this mean for Germany and other medium countries?

If such an alliance would come into place, Germany/France/Netherlands/Portugal would be even more helpless against their stronger neighbours than they are now. Basically our countries would serve as playground for that alliance without being a serious enemy. I know that right now the thought of the USA abandoning us sounds unlikely, but there are already Propaganda-articles by influential persons in the US-media, claiming for example that the US never really got help from other Terra countries when it was needed the most and creating some kind of Anti-Euro sentiment (while France and Germany arethe only real European battlefield for Terra itself).
So while the uncountable times Germany opened Tedenwide supplies for the US and other countries got neglected (does ring a bell?) it’s claimed and emphasized that “Terra HQ decided that since all of Terra was wiped it was selfish of us (the US) to ask for help, so they declared our situation unwinnable.”

Everyone in Germany knows, that we are a millstone around the neck of Terra (actually of every alliance) with Poland as our neighbour. But that is also a reason why a big majority of Germans have been and still are fervent supporters of Terra.
We are small, we are involuntary a bridge for Poland to the west, but it would be just unfair to trample on our commitment after months of support.

Free tanks! The former German CP, Polarisator and Conqueror of Switzerland slayer10 celebrates his more than 1000-day anniversary and gives out 10q6-tanks to every nonidiotic-eGerman who comments his article.. You think you are eGerman? You think you are no eIdiot? Well then take your chance and add a comment!

One of the few German Qualitynewspapers, the Theatrum Mundi by VonEich has published its fourth edition (in German) today. What are you waiting for? Read it, vote it, subscribe it and then wait for the next edition.

For our English-speaking readers, we recommend reading edition #3 which has also been published in Englisch.

That's it so far for this edition, feel yourself invited to our famous IRC-Chan:

Criticism, Wishes, Suggestions? You want to help us? Visit us on the IRC at #we_do!