Como casi fuimos de Terra. Logs del más gran trameo.

Day 1,658, 01:29 Published in Spain Spain by Siddy Tramero

Resumen al final
English clarification at the end.

España hace una semana vivio una de sus noches mas negras. Una noche donde en una trama orquestrada por DanielitoFC y Albus Dumbledore, casi salimos de ONE para meternos en Terra en una fatídica reunión con los presidentes de China, Brasil, y el MoFA de Argentina.

Aquí estan los registros de aquella reunión, en formato legible.

Partes importantes en negrita

Zhestkin[ESP][CP]> eBe[out] albus_dumbledore Atracurium pata|out porp0ut Prophet009[PL][MoFA] Zhestkin[ESP][CP]

Aquí estan los asistentes a la reunión. Patacabra(pata|out) y eBelinda(eBe[out]) apenas participaron, pero estuvieron presentes, aunque patacabra estaba fuera y marchó al poco. porp0ut es porporompero. Prophet009 es el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Polonia

Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: Prophet009 and me are thinking about make a new alliance with Poland, Serbia, Spain, Sweeden, China, Argentina, and USA. These are countries that we have a good relationship, and maybe they want to make a new alliance together.

Queremos crear una nueva alianza con Polonia, Serbia, España, Suecia, China, Argentina y USA. Este es el PLAN A. A Macedonia que se cruzó Europa para salvarnos el congreso el mes de SuperI que la jodan.

Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: What do you think about Atracurium?
Atracurium: 🙂 I am not sure about it becus its something new for like 1 year?
Atracurium: so right now its 50 50
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: What countries do you think that make a better alliance?
Atracurium: shouldnt you include Bulgaria? o.o
Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: Bulgaria 😃

Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: would be nice a awesome alliance
Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: and*
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: Yes
Atracurium: well their position is quite... "not here nor there."
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: yes
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: I know
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: I forgot include him
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: I think if we propose this alliance to these countries, they sure wanna make it
DanielitoFC (Spain) entra
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: danielito hamol mio
DanielitoFC: hi all
DanielitoFC: Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: 😃
albus_dumbledore: hello
Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: hey
Atracurium: o.o meeting started or? T.T
Silent__Night (Argentina) entra
Kongha entra
porporompero: Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: should i begin?
DanielitoFC: yes porporompero
porporompero: key
porporompero: well this is a very importante discussion for us
porporompero: we are very disgusted with ONE
porporompero: they dont give a shit about us,
porporompero: we are the last in their priority list
porporompero: we want to ask u
porporompero: all of u
porporompero: what do you think abou this? and what about a new brotherhood
porporompero: a new alliance
porporompero: all together

porporompero: please let us know
porporompero: what u think about this
Silent__Night: well, i talked with you yesterday and i said my opinion.

Hablaron con Argentina el dia antes

porporompero: i have to say
porporompero: that poland and spain
porporompero: are in a real brotherhood since old eden
porporompero: our destiny should be similar
porporompero: we have 2 choices
porporompero: try to join terra and eden
porporompero: or create a new alliance

Silent__Night: Wait, poland want to join teden too?
porporompero: i know
porporompero: this is hard
porporompero: no, their position is diferent

Polonia quiere unirse a TEDEN? No, su posición es diferente. Eso claramente implica que el dia antes tuvieron una reunión con Argentina para UNIRSE A TEDEN, no una nueva alianza.

porporompero: Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: can ask u that question better than me
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: Poland prefers a new alliance if I remember correctly
Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: well let's say that we'd like to stick with ESP however if this will be sth real we'd prefer a new alliance, since our society wont go for rejoin
porporompero: brazil, china, argentina
porporompero: what u think about this
Kongha: I see a new alliance as a good idea
porporompero: hmmm
porporompero: argentina?
Silent__Night: :/
Silent__Night: It will be hard.
porporompero: yeah very hard
Silent__Night: our ppl don't like poland and spain, you know.
porporompero: Silent__Night:
porporompero: argentina and spain
porporompero: are very similar
Albus_Dumbledore[ESP][SS]: Mr. Brazil's President, what is the position of your public opinion towards our war with Portugal?
Silent__Night: we wouldn't leave EDEN and our allies (cro, ro, tr, etc), to make a new alliance with poland and spain :/
Atracurium: I would say its a good idea but...
Atracurium: lets just say my population doesnt love to be in a same alliance with serbia. 😶

Bohemias: Albus_Dumbledore[ESP][SS] Brazilian population agrees with our NAP
Albus_Dumbledore[ESP][SS]: well, its something
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: We kwno Atracurium, but Serbia has proven to be a country who we can trust
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: It is also a strong country that can give the alliance more power in Central Europe
Silent__Night: Wait a minute. I don't understand, you want a new alliance with china, arg, brazil, spain, poland, serbia and usa?
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: But we have not spoken anything with Serbia, it is not mandatory that they are in the alliance. 🙂
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: yes silent
porporompero: serbia
porporompero: is not sure
Silent__Night: :/
Albus_Dumbledore[ESP][SS]: serbia would be a strong ally, but its not a "must" in the future alliance
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: In Spain we have no problem with leaving out Serbia.

"En españa no tenemos ningun problema dejando de un lado a Serbia". Que grandes aliados somos.

Kongha: I think we can create something new.
porporompero: Kongha: like what?
porporompero: please tell us, maybe we see a different way
Kongha: I see a new alliance as a good idea
Kongha: But we have to create something without the Balkan countries
Kongha: no Serbia, no Croatia

Alianza Anti-Balcanica. Quedaos con el concepto. Será Trending Topic a medio plazo.

porporompero: Kongha: thats the key
porporompero: i rly agree with that
porporompero: but poland
porporompero: we cant left poland
porporompero: and poland cant left us

Alguien deberia decirle a porpo que Polonia no está en los balcanes

Kongha: Poland can come with us
Albus_Dumbledore[ESP][SS]: Poland stayed with us when we left Old Eden
porporompero: ok Kongha
porporompero: so
Albus_Dumbledore[ESP][SS]: now we want them to stay at our side
Kongha: Pol BR Esp Arg China USA
porporompero: i think this is the best choice
porporompero: maybe all should say their opinion
Bohemias: Brazil wouls agree with this
Kongha: the game is boring
porporompero: arg, china, poland?
Kongha: we can try something new
porporompero: Kongha:
porporompero: we dont know the opinion of USA
porporompero: about this
porporompero: but i can imagine they will follow brazil and arg?

Kongha: they are awesome allies
porporompero: we know
porporompero: we were allies in the past too
porporompero: so
Kongha: yep
porporompero: what do u think Silent__Night and Atracurium ?
porporompero: about this new way proposed by Kongha
Silent__Night: we wouldn't leave EDEN and our allies (cro, ro, tr, etc), to make a new alliance with poland and spain :/
Silent__Night: TR is our brother

Atracurium: tough decision...
Silent__Night: as spain is with poland
Silent__Night: we won't leave them :/
Atracurium: but I do not think we will leave eden.
Silent__Night: +1
Silent__Night: if poland and spain
Silent__Night: want to join terra/eden
Silent__Night: it would be good, really good
Silent__Night: but make a new alliance...i don't know.

Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: We are able to create an alliance stronger and fresher, with better strategic possibilities
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: This is a game, the differences can be put aside to make way for fun.

Hasta aquí la primera parte, proponiendo crear una nueva alianza. Danielito, Albus y Porpo querian unirse a EDEN directamente, pero Polonia se niega, así que sale lo de la nueva alianza, pero solo Brasil está de acuerdo.

porporompero: Silent__Night: that thought cant be changued?
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: +1 Zhestkin[ESP][CP]
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: more awessome
Silent__Night: About TR? or about eden?
Kongha: I qgree Zhestkin[ESP][CP]
porporompero: about create a new allie without balcan boys
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: China is now attacking us, but this is a game, we can be friends.
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: is a example
Atracurium: the thing with new alliance is... who are we fighting with? o.O
Atracurium: :/
porporompero: well i think spain joining terra and eden or creating a new alliance
porporompero: will be so nice
Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: we will pick up 1 balcan country that will fight with the rest xD
porporompero: for all of us
porporompero: its the key to be in europe
porporompero: also poland
porporompero: Kongha: will brazil agree
porporompero: about spain and poland joining terra?


Albus_Dumbledore[ESP][SS]: Turkey is at Terra?
Kongha: Yes, I agree
Silent__Night: TR is eden
Bohemias: although Spain and Poland are our current enemies, we see them as honorable enemies
Albus_Dumbledore[ESP][SS]: ok
Bohemias: not a problem to be their friends
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: Bohemias i love 😃
porporompero: yeah well we all love party
Atracurium: I have no problem Spain and Poland joining terra..
porporompero: xD
porporompero: so
porporompero: if all agree with this

Si todos estan de acuerdo con que España entre en Terra. Estos 4 entran en Terra en nombre de España

Atracurium: actually Terra could remake to another alliance i guess?
porporompero: yeah if we both, spain and poland enter terra all of things will change
porporompero: new future

Atracurium: I am not sure what things it will change but certainly its better for us all.
porporompero: all of things = everything
porporompero: lol
Atracurium: and that is a good thing
Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: I'm quite skeptical that Poland will join to the current terra guys
Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: just sayin

Polonia demuestran que no son subnormales.

porporompero: but Prophet009[PL][MoFA] if we dont join now
porporompero: what do u think ONE will do?
porporompero: we wont be "loved" like they proved us
porporompero: all this months

Kongha: I think that Plato is fucking our game
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: fuck platón
Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: he is and porporompero I see
Kongha: We can do something for the game
Atracurium: o.o///
Kongha: We must try something new
porporompero: i full agree with that
Kongha: ONE and TEDEN are rulled for the same old fags
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: +1 kongha
Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: this is true
Atracurium: :/ i am not a fag...
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: xD
Holse[ESP][vmofa][vCP]: xd
Kongha: Atracurium yes, we are
Kongha: u.u
Kongha: so I see a new alliance as an incentive to players stay and enjoy the game
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: well Atracurium and Silent_night, what requirements that you want to create a new alliance?
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: I agree with kongha
Atracurium: actually
Atracurium: its possible for you guys to create new alliance... and arg and china still in eden.. we can alliance work happily together 😉
porporompero: that can be posible too
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: mmm
Silent__Night: +1
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: yes good

Nuevos planes, crear una nueva alianza que Coopere con EDEN. La cosa se pone mejor.

porporompero: Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: ?
porporompero: will poland like this?
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: Ok, but we must work together, in differents alliances but friends 😉
Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: about making a new alliance but that alliance would cooperate with EDEN?
Atracurium: I think its a possible to work this way. and most benefitial for all of us
porporompero: yeah Prophet009[PL][MoFA]
Atracurium: i am sure when people see a new alliance plus a new struture they will "Rethink" about the position they are in now.
Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: doesn't it be too overpowered? I mean in this case the team that will be against such a alliance wont have any chances against EDEN+this new alliance
porporompero: well, the alliances always get balanced in time
porporompero: one have very strong members
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: maybe is better that the new alliance cooperate with China and Argentina, but no with ALL EDEN
porporompero: and
Atracurium: Prophet009[PL][MoFA], ...i think it will get balanced in time..just like porporompero said
Atracurium: (maybe i dun make sense..but when everything will see new alliance sprouting. )
Atracurium: right now its not here nor there
porporompero: agree
porporompero: so Prophet009[PL][MoFA]
porporompero: will poland accept this?

Aqui staruszek explica la historia de Polonia y como se comportan estilo honor y tal, lo corto porque es largo. Pero pongo un log completo al final

porporompero: but staruszek
porporompero: we have nothing to do in ONE, we rly want polish people with us
porporompero: if we stay in ONE
porporompero: we will be deleted months
staruszek: letys say it in other way
staruszek: you have poland
staruszek: and it is a matter of fact
staruszek: since several months/ years
staruszek: and now you will want to say to poland - fuck off

staruszek: and im not telling abt ONE
staruszek: im talking abt billateral friendship
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: yes
Atracurium: maybe poland has its consideration. but i am sure something can be done about it without spoliting the friendship between the two
porporompero: well , i understand ur position
porporompero: and u understand ours
porporompero: to be clear
porporompero: u are suggesting
staruszek: sry for such hard words
porporompero: that if we join Terra
staruszek: but saying that esp will leave poland
staruszek: is making me a little bit confused
porporompero: and poland dont
porporompero: we will be friends?

Nuevo plan, España se une a Terra sin Polonia. Solos. Claro que si.

Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: no no, spain not going to leave poland
staruszek: i will go a little bit back
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: we want to poland going with us to a new alliance
staruszek: if esp will go to terra or eden
staruszek: esp will be in an enemy alliance
staruszek: so automatically even if the gov
staruszek: will tell the ppl top leave esp alone
staruszek: there will be rage
staruszek: some things cannot be controlled by gov

Polonia dice que si se van a Terra Polonia pegara contra ellos. Obvio

DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: the situation between Spain and ONE is unsustainable and we can not stay in ONE, but we want to always be next to Poland, I believe that Poland also needs a change of alliance, whether new or old
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: So we are asking that Poland join with us in the new alliance.
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: yes

Danielito diciendole a Polonia lo que tienen que hacer (que es unirse a Terra)

staruszek: sry
staruszek: but thios question is NOT the main question here
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: thios?
Danielito corrigiendo el inglés de alguien. Lo que hay que ver...

Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: this
Atracurium: excuse me.. even if spain change alliance... and poland doesnt... cant the 2 countries still remain in good terms?
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: yes staruszek, this is the question. Spain goin to a new alliance, and we want that Poland join in the new alliance with Spain
Atracurium: i believe it can be done with a will and not even alliance can bend it.
staruszek: Atracurium lets see the evcaluation of pl- cro friendship
Atracurium: i dunno.. but you dun see me attking bulgaria when there is a chance.. cus we treat them as a friend.
Atracurium: (thou they are not in any alliance or anywhere per se 😶)
staruszek: Atracurium can you pls tell me
staruszek: who do yopui expect in a new allinace ?
Atracurium: woman!
Atracurium: lol. sorry.
Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: porporompero according to your question that you've asked long ago 😃 - yes we will but not at this time, not yet, some things needs to be done first before we can move on
Atracurium: staruszek, i have no preferences in which countries in new alliances...what i want to see is all willing to be there for one another.
Atracurium: communications is very important to me.
Atracurium: and everyone is equal.
porporompero: Prophet009[PL][MoFA]:
porporompero: okey
staruszek: Prophet009[PL][MoFA] is right
porporompero: but
porporompero: u can say me
porporompero: how many time?
staruszek: such thoings need time
Bohemias: Atracurium do you think china with a little more time will join this new alliance if created?
porporompero: we are so fucked already
Atracurium: Bohemias, i said earlier some countries take a longer time.. its much similar to what poland said. I see Brazil is really to take the step forward
Atracurium: but we do need some time.
Atracurium: but surely we have no problem working with the new alliance
Atracurium: if there is one

Bohemias: i think withou china everyone needs to think better
Bohemias: we should have primetime all day long
staruszek: Bohemias having poland
Bohemias: i guess poland thinks the same
staruszek: ther new allionace will have primetime all day
staruszek: so again
staruszek: which countries
staruszek: will be there?
staruszek: and i think im speaking for all poland
staruszek: we need to know in which water will we step in
staruszek: you need us
Atracurium: not talking about alliance.. you still find people love poland in china
Bohemias: i would like to see we all comiited
Bohemias: committed*
staruszek: do you remeber the tiome
staruszek: as esp was in war with br ?
Bohemias: yep
staruszek: sry
staruszek: but no offence
staruszek: esp told poland
staruszek: to call br - ( sry again)
staruszek: monkeys
staruszek: this caused
staruszek: a bit of hate
staruszek: on both sides
staruszek: and it is not doable
staruszek: to change ppls mind in few days
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: Spain calls everything to everyone, even to the same Spanish
Bohemias: well i think brazil is trying to bring some fun with this idea
Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: staruszek meant that it's not possible to change the mind of ppl just in few days only this (sry for repeating)
staruszek: guys
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: things also were said hungary in the past, and when we were allies, there was no problem.

Discusion esteril, me la salto

staruszek: poland needs time
staruszek: to be sure
staruszek: pl doesnt love as much as you think hun/srb/fyrom
staruszek: this is not a secret
staruszek: and if we hurry too much this will cause another split in poland
staruszek: either you nor we want this
staruszek: and many silnet followers
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: But, we cant make a alliance only with Spain and Brasil
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: :/
Zhestkin[ESP][CP]: we need know if you are with us, or not

"Tenemos que saber si estais con nosotros o no". Que bonito ultimatum a Polonia, que malos son por no querer decir en una noche si se van a Terra

Bohemias: so we need to meet again
Bohemias: and things remain the same till there
Bohemias: china and arg should bring an awnser too
Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: would be nice if you give us some time, please 🙂
Atracurium: we can all wait for poland but spain can take the step first 😉
Bohemias: we have to be all committed
Bohemias: if is not good there is no problem
Bohemias: still friends, still ennemies
Bohemias: things wont stop to be boring, but ok
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: ok, we can meet tomorrow if you want to think about everything cold, and we have to talk to China and USA, I think.
Prophet009[PL][MoFA]: we just need to get some time
prophet009: and I think that giving us this is doable, and ofc we'd be appreciate😛)
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: xD
staruszek: can esp wait with irts decision 2 - 3 days ?
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: mmm
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: 2
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: ok
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: xD

Señores, aqui esta el punto definitivo que nos salva de lanzarnos a los tiburones. Enviadle dinero y mujeres a staruszek

DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: Spain is in an untenable situation, we can not wait indefinitely. I hope you understand, it is vital for us to solve the problem we have.
porporompero: guys
Bohemias: prophet009 i would like a feed back hoow is been accepted by your population
Bohemias: i know this takes a week
porporompero: can i make a petition

porporompero: for all the guys joining this session
porporompero: this cant be published
porporompero: that will be so bad for us
porporompero: spain
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: yes
DanielitoFC[ESP][TR]: topsecret

Tienes razón

Bohemias: i agree
porporompero: please
Silent__Night: Roger.
prophet009: okay
porporompero: thanks
Bohemias: but do it with the ppl with strong oppinion in poland
Bohemias: in secrety
Bohemias: ok guys i think this is it
Bohemias: let do another meeting nex week
porporompero: yeah
porporompero: we will keep on contact
porporompero: thanks all

Bohemias: o>
prophet009: oki o/
Bohemias: thanks, see you guys soon


Segun porporompero, él había sido engañado por DanielitoFC
, con lo que Danielito y Albus Dumbledore, que también tenían timado a Zhestkin, hicieron una reunión con los presidentes de China, Brasil, y los Ministros de Asuntos exteriores de Argentina y Polonia, para hacer este orden de cosas

1. Una nueva alianza con Polonia y Serbia
2. Ah, Pues sin Serbia
3. Bueno, esta nueva alianza que coopere con China y Argentina que siguen con EDEN
4. Bueno, ya puestos que coopere con EDEN en General
5. Ah, que no? Pues nos vamos Polonia y España a Terra
6. Polonia no quiere? Pues solo España.
7. Ah, a Polonia no le gusta? Pues les damos un ultimatum de 2 dias de que se unan o serán nuestros enemigos.

Así pues, si la reunión llega a durar 5 minutos más, aún Danielito ofrecería ser los esclavos de China y lamerle la polla a Atracucium cada mañana.

Y entonces, que se hizo con DanielitoFC y Albus Dumbledore, que casi nos arrastran, decidiendo por toda España, irnos de la forma más rastrera a Terra abandonando nuestro aliado y firmando MPPs con Turquía? Exiliarlos?


En el nuevo gobierno de xxxAstarothxxx, aquella persona que se metió a presidente después de pasarse 10 días de campaña y luego a los 5 días lo dejó sin avisar y de repente porque "se agobiaba", se los nombraron VicePresidente y Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores.

Es decir, todos los que participaron en esta conjura, excepto eBelinda, salieron escaldados (la mayoría, apuñalados por los propios Albus Dublmedore y DanielitoFC) excepto los propios Albus y Danielito. Y aunque porpo fuese el que hablase más (ya que ni Danielito ni Albus saben Inglés), esos dos estuvieron asintiendo todo el rato, y nunca le dijeron que no, aparte de que el plan original era suyo.

No solo eso, sino que van en el programa a la presidencia de Kanalejana, donde no llega a ser más que otro triste títere.

Así que, una vez ya sabeis lo que ha pasado, es hora de que se actue, no porque se quiera crear una alianza, que es un objetivo que se podría considerar, sino porque estuvieron dispuestos a arrastrarse a Terra, abandonando y haciendole un ultimatum a Polonia, nuestros amigos de toda la vida, y firmar MPP con Turquía.

Y dadle las gracias a Polonia, pues fue con su mediación que nos quedamos en ONE, con la acertada actuacion de prophet y staruszek.

Eso no es tolerable.

Este 5. Actua


Those logs show how there was a conspiracy orchestrated by two guys, DanielitoFC and Albus Dumbledore, in order to leave ONE and Poland to desesperately beg to join Terra for shadowy motives. This was done on the backs of all Spanish Population who had ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA that this happened. The Spanish Population already ousted that govt, and has a loyal compromise with ONE, so those actions are the work of just 2 guys, not from Spain, which, by acting against them, are showing the world that they're proud ONE citizens and fight for ONE.

Also, Poland DID NOT WANT to leave ONE, their intentions were clearly to keep Spain from leaving in one night by those idiot spanish politicians. I, as ex-SG of ONE, am very grateful to Poland and specially Prophet and Starus because it was their mediation and calm internventions the ones that made Spanish politicals not to sell our country to TEDEN.

I knew of prophet009 intentions and he talked with me. Our plan was to delay that idiot govt of leaving Spain until we could oust them. If anything, this log shows how skillful MoFA he is by preventing the idiots on Spanish govt to do idiocies. I'm very grateful to him.

I'm Spaniard and I support ONE. Outsmarter is Spaniard and supports ONE. Almost every comment in this article supports ONE. Spain is not their idiot politicians, and I'll do my best to end the ones who schemed this.

It's time to take action.