[Glove] Terra exploded, Lets go the Moon

Day 1,670, 08:20 Published in USA USA by GloveisLove

Dear Journal,

First I would like to note that today I received another Media Mogul award, it feels good to know I’m back.

It's been a long time.

Second, I would like to address that yes, Brazil, the heart of Terra, has left the alliance, and it is a devastating blow to the alliance. Although President Israel Stevens claims the alliance is not dead, I declare that it is. Let me explain why it is dead and why it is best to leave the alliance officially in general.

But first some history.

St Krems led the charge in creating a new alliance, combining ex-members of Phoenix with USA and other nations. He dubbed the alliance as an alternative to Eden and NWO, making it an “anti-euro” alliance. However years later he would explain that his motivation was to ultimately make the alliance in allegiance to EDEN, so he basically deceived us and the world. The alliance lost many members and gained many, many from Europe itself, something the public wanted to avoid when the alliance was introduced.

Terra’s real test was its members showing loyalty to one another. This was a great concern of mine when I was president the first time, we had just ended our war with Russia not long before but I wanted to show them I was serious about being allies, so I devoted a great amount of time ensuring we showed up on their battlefields. The first real Terra operation was when we went to war with Poland, I attacked their colonies in Mexico and fell short of removing them completely, but ultimately with Terra support we did remove them a month later. Then the great war began, I pushed the button on Spain and all hell broke loose. Terra suffered heavy losses but in the end we recovered and eventually dominated the world with Eden.

But in those times that Terra suffered heavily, is the time in which I noticed the alliance has major faults.

Terra gave up on eUSA when we needed them most.

During my second presidency, we were invaded by the strongest nations in the game, Poland, Spain, Serbia, Hungary, Indonesia, and all of ONE supporting them.

Initially we received strong support from our closest allies, like Croatia, Brazil, China, etc, but it was not enough to overcome the brute force of ONE. Remember, during this time, all of Eden was wiped and most of Terra was as well, USA and China were the last strongholds.

I made my case to Terra HQ, pleading with them to send support to us so that maybe we could close some borders and hopefully reverse the tides.

Terra HQ gave USA support for two solid days. During these two days we saw lots of momentum for us, and we had a glimmer of hope. Then Terra HQ decided that since all of Terra was wiped that it was selfish of us to ask for help, so they declared our situation unwinnable.

We lost the support of our alliance when we were in the process of being wiped for the first time ever.

When I broke this news to America’s National Security Council, they too lost hope. They too, declared the war "unwinnable."

America’s National Security Council gave up on America.

Frustrated that my own alliance gave up on us, and our own armed forces, I spoke with anyone who still thought we had a fighting chance. The “JCS” forces were the only commited force left for America. They fought till the very end, when our alliance and armed forces refused to because the situation was “unwinnable.”

This is the sad story behind America’s first wipe.

Now that is not the only reason why I think Terra is dead, there are many more.

The Argentine-Chile Crisis

Let me start off by saying I love Argentina and I have some good friends in Chile as well. Months ago Argentina wanted Chile in Terra, so Terra overwhelmingly voted for its membership approval. Eventually Argentina left, then they turned on each other, both accusing each other of terrible things and insulting each other horribly in the media. Terra HQ was given the task of deciding what to do.
Terra did nothing.

Terra hoped that by ignoring the problem it would go away or fix itself.

By doing nothing Terra forced one of the two nations to quit or betray us. Chile signed MPPs with ONE and we lost Chile. Regardless of what you think of Chile, I still think this is a good scenario in where it is clear Terra failed to take a stand. Had Terra provided moderation or at least taken a definite stance, the situation could have been avoided or possibly even defused.


Brazil left Terra, I explained why in a previous article. Brazil was one of the founding members of Terra, a nation I am proud to associate with, and it is unacceptable that we let Terra HQ treat one of the most loyal and strongest Terra members in such a demeaning manner.

Without Brazil, Terra is nothing but a shadow of itself. You can say Terra is alive and rising all you want, but it is not, no matter how badly you want to lie to yourself.

Leave Terra, lets go to the Moon

Eden-Terra (Teden)

Terra is dangerously connected to Eden. They watch the day, we dominate the night. That has always been the motto. But we are too connected, with us being on the weaker end. It is no secret that Eden has more raw firepower than Terra does, and when combined we rival ONE. However, we now are obligated to follow Eden’s every command if we hope to win some battle, or hope that they are keeping ONE busy in the Balkans so that we can win battles. This is not a healthy relationship, as it gives Eden the idea that they can do whatever they want to us.

Such has been the case with the Romanian Ptoers in Canada and Brazil. Romania declared they have no official connection no them, although some are even ex-Romanian government officials.

Such was also the case when Eden fought against Argentina because they supported Turkey.

I am under the impression that Eden HQ would sell us if it meant they could benefit themselves. This article is a good example.

“So while it is a good thing that now Bulgaria has a president willing to put an end to the stupid ping-pong with Turkey, what Bulgaria really needs is a president who can bring her both stable colonies in Russia and Iran and a prominent position inside her own alliance, by negotiating an excellent deal for Chile and South Korea.”

Tl;dr: Make peace and you can have full resources, just don’t fight Eden, go fight somewhere else. Ie: Terra or neutral nations. Lovely diplomacy, isn’t it?

And its not just Eden HQ or Terra HQ, we are to blame too for Terra’s failures.

I wasn’t around these last several months but I can only imagine what Brazil must have felt if these are responses our leaders were giving them.

Or this:

Now all national leaders have their slip-ups, I’ve had my fair share, but foreign affairs is when you do NOT want to mess up. This was not a time to afford these kind of statements. It shows how naive our leaders are. They are suppose to be leaders and set a good image of America. Oblige not being elected had nothing to do with the situation, the way our elected officials and HQ treated Brazil did.

In summary,

I am not advocating joining ONE, I am not advocating betraying Eden nor Terra.

But I am advocating supporting those who support us. It does not make sense to fight everyday for a nation that never will reciprocate that help.

I am advocating leaving a failed alliance, so that we may pursue a path that will benefit us all, so that we may have sovereignty and enjoy the eWorld to its fullest.

I am not saying the path will be stable nor easy, but I am saying it will change the eWorld, and will help us be alive again, with nations who truly care about us.

We have been without an alliance before, it is not the end of the world, it only will show us who is really our friend and who just wants our damage.

