The Federalist Press [day 2270]

Day 2,270, 13:31 Published in USA USA by Trekker Tlumac

Ouch, ouch, ouch… It hurts to type. My fingers are still numb from all the mindless clicking from last week. It was a long week of tournament fighting and I am ready to eSleep for a week. But I suppose I should write the Fed paper first. It is kind of one of the duties of being Fed Media Director, so I got to do it. Anyway the VPP threatened he would beat me if I did not finish on time.
I believe he will do it; he generally follows through on his word. I should know, as he is me.

Oh yeah, I am Trekker Tlumac. But you probably already knew that. I am here to bring you yet another edition of the Fed Paper, but you probably already knew that too. So guess all that is left is to get to it.

State of the Fed

Well Party Presidential Elections are right around the corner. In fact, the party nominations are going to be up sometime today. Head over to the forums to make your nomination of the candidate of your choice.

Here is the nomination threa😛

Here is the Nominees Q&A thread

The noms will run into the weekend and voting will begin shortly after. Watch for a special Election Edition of the Fed Press around Monday. As the plan is to have “get to know you” interviews with the candidates that accept their nominations.

There are a number of people working behind the scenes to help keep the party running. There are some that Over the next few weeks, it is the plan of the Media department to get brief interviews with most of those in leadership roles. This serves the purpose to put some voice to the names that people, who are new around the party or who maybe have never had the chance to, know but have never had a chance to speak to.

The first week kicks off with an interview by staff writer (a wayward angel) with dk3dknight the director of the Fed Fun department:

Fed Leader dk3dknight Interviewed

In a recently conducted interview I asked dk3dknight a few questions about himself and his duties within the Fed party, I was surprised at his willingness to answer all the questions to great extent.

Q: Lets start off easy, if you are comfortable divulging this information what is your name?

A: My name is Chris, and I publicly disclose it, in fact many messages I sign off as Chris. If that was not damning enough I also refer to myself as Chris, which sometimes randomly confuses people.

Q: How old are you?

A: I am 29, I was born April 17, 1984 in Spokane Washington, I spent 1 year there and then my family moved to Arlington, Texas where I have lived ever since.

Q: What is your current role in the Federalist Party?

A: I am the Director of Fun, I am also a Congress Critter, I have always presented the Fun Department as the other side of recruitment and retention.

Q: Why did you decide to start playing eRepublik?

A: That is a very hard question, because I stopped playing in 2011 after joining in 2009, then resumed in 2013 at the end of Tyler's Presidency, as to what made me make an account I couldn't tell you. At one point the only thing I wanted to do was help people. That is actually what kept me playing.

When I returned in 2013 out of curiosity on how the game had changed, I had some falling out with some other mmo's where the clan I was in was PTO'd after a merge with another clan. The leader felt betrayed and I was his Second in Command and I didn't see the schemers and plotters. That messed me up for a while. I had helped build that clan into a very strong position and after that I simply quit that game. (I had no tolerance to schemers and plotters)

So out of curiosity I decided to see if I could bring my character on eRepublik out of death, I found myself penniless and without any energy. From there I rebuilt from the ashes of a few dollars and an energy bar being the only thing the game let me have.

Q: Are you a spy?

A: Yes, I have actually been funneling in large volumes of money from my budget to support Serbians, I have placed several key Serbians in leadership positions, and creating contests and passing the winnings to supporters, in an attempt to take over the world...

Now that I have scared MelissaRose a little bit.

First I want to say I love ya guys, and I wish I could do more, but sometimes I have to choose between the expectations people have for me in real life, and the expectations of me in this game. They are very both tricky masters and I find at times I must betray one... though I feel bad when I fail either.

On that note I've approached by observing things and trying to make it better, I hope I've done a great job of that. In the past when I see something broken I've approached the person and worked with them to try to make it better.

There you have it ladies and gentleman, dk3dknight aka Chris, at your disposal for question answering. Please don’t bombard him though; I’m sure he has better things to do than answer the likes of us, or perhaps not.

Written by:
A Wayward Angel
Federalist Press Staff

Did you know the Feds have their own radio show? It comes on weekly. Here is Eliwood Sain with more:

Fed Radio chugs along for the start of its 6th month in broadcasting this Monday at 1800 eRep time.  Join hosts eliwood_sain and dk3dknight as well as their call-in guests as they talk to various party members about their work and involvement in the party as well as the party itself.  You can call in as well at (347)-989-8972 and go on air, or by clicking the skype button on that week's show's page.  New callers are always welcome.  Listen in this Monday for a fun new show LIVE!

Update provided by eliwood_sain

Link to the latest episode below:

And here is the link to this coming Monday's episode:

Fed Lucky Lotto takes place on the forum every Friday. Lots of chances to win, and it is free! Check it out.

Come join in the Fed Grab Bag! Just launching today. Check it out and see what you can win!

Are you a fan of a particular Fed? Has someone made your life in the party easier, better, or more meaningful? Would you like to show you gratitude but are unsure how? Well you could endless stalk their every move like an excited little puppy to show your thanks. Or you could just vote for them on the Fed award link in the forum. The latter is recommended, as the first could get you thrown in jail.

The Fed awards are up, so get out there and vote.

Looking for a job within the feds? There are plenty available!

For instance, in the Recruitment and Retention department they are always looking for new volunteers to help out. Anyone interested in helping out should contact Darkapollo52 at the following in game profile.

Here in the Media department we are also looking for help. Always want new people to come in and write for us. All skill levels accepted. All lengths of articles accepted. Pretty much just need to show up and want to write. If interested contact me (Trekker Tlumac) at the link provide😛

Fedex is also always looking for help. It is a great place to start. The commitment to the job is minimal and it is a stepping stone to further activity. Those interested in Fedex can contact the director IndexInifinity at the following link:

Not interested in any of those jobs? Or just want to help out wherever you may be needed? We got you covered. Fill out this form and we will put you in touch would someone right away.


Are you hungry? Are you in need of big guns? Well the No Fed Left Behind program will give you food and tanks. Since its inception, the program has given tanks and fed over 1000 orders for hungry Feds.

If you are a Fed and are hungry or need protection, the name of the program says it all.

For those of you that are new to the Feds or even just Fed-curious, we welcome you to come find out more about us. The Fed forums are a great place to start. There are games, news and discussions constantly being discussed. It is a great place to get know about your party members better. You can also join us on the IRC party chat, which is another great way to get to know your fellow feds.

On Rizon at #fedpartychat, or

Not sure what to post about? Not ready to join up in eRep or ePolitical banter? Well we have just the place for you to start. Start posting in the Fun Zone and work your way in the other discussions.    

State of SHIELD

SHIELD is the Federalist Parties most P/H Military Unit to date! How do we continue this level of awesomeness you may ask? With the help of soldiers and would be soldiers like you! SHIELD is currently recruiting anyone and everyone that would like to be a member of an elite fraternity of brothers and sisters. You will be supplied daily with Tanks and Food to fight the good fight for the USA. You will be motivated, you will be determined, you will be flogged, and you will have fun crushing the enemies of our glorious nation. Players of all manner of experience have a place in this Unit, whether it be as a HAMMER member or SWORD airborne soldier. The HAMMER program is designed to help new and upcoming players build their strength up before being unleashed into other Divisions while SWORD is an elite group of commandos whose sole purpose is to infiltrate enemy territory and participate in Resistance Wars and Uprising around the globe! So if you or someone you know is interested in standing beside us, united as one, be sure to join by clicking here... SHIELDs UP!

Mourning Star

As most of you may have noticed. Last week there was an international contest damage contest, which pitted elite military units against each other on the national scale. All military units took part in this. SHIELD performed quite well, placing strong show of top ten in all 4 divisions. SHIELD even garnered a second place in Division 1 fighters and third place in Division 3. SHIELD placed sixth and ninth in Division 2 and Division 4, respectively. (More on the tournament later)

Also, SHEILD would also like to extend out a hand in thanks to Henry Pfeiffer Arundel for his visit to the MU, where he stayed briefly on his tour around the MUs of the eUSA.

State of the country

Country Presidential Elections were yesterday and Wild Owl won his second term. He garnered 77% of all votes cast.

In the upcoming term he plans to continue down the road he started at the beginning of his first term. This includes fulfilling his promises to improve the lot of the eUSA internationally as well as at home. Media communication has been a big part of this administration to this point and it appears that it will continue to be an important part for the foreseeable future. The president has continued to put out articles to address and inform the nation.

Here are the most recent ones.
(Which discusses the eUSA war with ePortugal, the future of alliances of the eUSA and why befriending old foes is necessary.)

(Which put the top on a excellent first term as ePOTUS. Discussed is more of the foreign affairs, the grants given during the recent tournament, and this administration’s extensive domestic work.)

Well it is later. And here is more information on the tournament. The placement of the top three MUs for damage from each division are as follows:

Division 1 winners are Easy Company, SHIELD, and eUS Military

Division 2 winners are Cannon Cockers, EZC, and eUS Military

Division 3 winners are Easy Company, UltraMarines, and SHIELD

Division 4 winners are Easy Company, Special Forces, and SEAL Team 6

(Even more on the tournament later)

State of the World

As the eUSA continues to strengthen its ties with foreign nations during the shifting of political allegiances, the eUSA has signed MPPs with nations that only months ago had been invading eUSA territory. This has come as a shock to some, but in a every changing landscape is a vital part of the future of the country. To help get some understanding of what this means to our new foreign friends, DylanBAS interviewed the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Bohemond4) of the United Kingdom for the January Administration.

DylanBAS: How has the end of TWO affected this shift towards America?

Bohemond4: While TWO existed the world pretty much had two blocs. TWO/Pro-TWO v everyone else. With the end of TWO, we had the options to do one of 2 things - with variations on each theme. 1) Re-create TWO with the same nations and groupings or 2) do something new and shift the balance of power to other nations. With our shift towards an MPP with the States, one could say we have started on a path towards the second option.

DylanBAS: Are there any plans for a pact beyond MPP’s?

Bohemond4: Only if necessary, I would say. A Pact is essentially for peace treaties - if you want them. To be honest, its meta game stuff and a lot of that has fallen by the wayside in the UK. However, for dividing up another nation, or a NAP such as the recent one between us, Ireland and the USA then yes. I could so one happening.

DylanBAS: There has been a lot of public hostility between these nations in the past. How will you deal with that in convincing the general public that this is a smart move?

Bohemond4: Time, shared experiences and friendship. Thats how you develop new alliances. Shared conflicts, fighting on the same side in battles, working hard together.

DylanBAS: What is your biggest apprehension in this new move?

Bohemond4: My biggest apprehension? Probably the loss of friends that always follows alliance shifts. So less an apprehension than a regret, I suppose. I don't really have any apprehensions overall, I suppose, just looking forward to what happens next.

DylanBAS: How do you think your current allies will most likely react to this move and how will your nation react to that likely scenario?

Bohemond4: Ahh, the big question - what happens next? Well, I can't answer that except to say that we all know which UK ally is pissed by a US MPP.

(Interview by Federalist Press Staff, DylanBAS)

And the last mentions of the tournament. The tournament took place on an international stage as well. Where the top regiments in the eWorld fought it out for the honor of being listed in the top 100 regiments. The eUSA had 5 regiments to place in the top 100. One from Easy Company at fourth place, two from Special Forces that placed sixteenth and sixty-second, and two from SEAL Team 6 who placed at eighty-eighth and ninety-first. The Polish MU GROM seems to have been the most successful with seven regiments in the top 100 (numbering 24, 30, 42, 50, 56, 60, and 67).

State of my Gold

Erm, Gold... Golden Retriever puppies... Same thing right? Hehehe

ischelle is the winner of my gold last week. Thanks to everyone for playing. I guess it is onto this week’s gold question. As always, everyone is eligible to win and read below to find out how you can garner two extra entries. Next week I will count the entries, assign a random number to every entry and then run it through to decide the winner.

Well as many of you probably do not know, I am also a musician. Don’t worry, you haven’t heard of me. I never said I was a particularly good musician. I do however like to sing and play bass. Right now I am working on some funky bass grooves to bring with me Saturday night for a band audition. Though I love all music (from crappy boy bands to reggae to rock and country) I am feeling in a funky mood. But I have a problem. I have no funk names to give my music! So this week I want you all to suggest a funky sounding name for a song to claim your extra entries.

State of my Mind

This is the time of year I tend to get a little stir crazy. It is winter; there is snow and my car no like snow. So I am stranded in the house most of the winter except for when necessity or weather allows for me to drive around. This gets tiresome.

I should be writing or playing music. I do both, but not nearly enough. Such is life. But Saturday should be fun. Auditioning as bassist in a band that a friend I have had since 5th grade is in. The last band he was in had just signed to tour regionally before they broke up. He has been out of the game for years just playing around and writing songs. He decided a few months ago he wanted to tour again. So he is building a band. Not sure how I feel about being in a touring band, but he asked me to try out. If there was ever going to be a band-mate I could tour with, it would be him.

Also, I get to have turducken for dinner before going over. That should be fun. Always curious about what they would be like and one of my cousins found one cheap and bought it. Well that will be another thing to knock off my list of things to do in my life.


There are a lot of great educational tools out there and everyone should read up on them, even the experienced players who know it all. This week I am including the link to a pretty comprehensive guide on how to succeed in the eUSA. Funnily enough that is the title. It is a 10 part series, 11 if you include the intro. It is worth the read for anyone needing help.

Well folks, that is all the news that will be shared this week. Thanks for reading. Stay proud. Stay horny. Have a great week. See you same time and same place next week. Now if you will pardon me, I need to turn off the Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata and get to playing some bass. Remember to watch for a Monday’ish Election issue of the Federalist Press. And also watch out for a general Media Department update in the near future. That is all.

-Trekker Tlumac

Now for my picture spam.
What guy doesn't want his favorite game princess to come to life? Or maybe I am just weird. Or both.
Yeah. Let's go with both.
Melts my frigid heart to see a curious penguin. Come on guys, he just wants to party...
Oh the punnamity of it all...
Would have been an awfully short trilogy if Frodo had known about this...
And now to finish up with some musical spam, in light of my weekend activities...

FPR is UP!