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[South Africa] A special guest

71 Day 558, 06:01 Published in Brazil Brazil

Since the Brazilian government has decided that we are part of their Empire(?!?!!?),I guess it's time for our voices to be heard.
I would like to introduce a friend of mine that has decided to take up the space in my newspaper in order to address

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[South Africa]Wreck of the Sloop John B

15 Day 555, 01:51 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Tactics seem to be the word of the hour between Indonesia and Brazil,the two having performed one of the more famous maneuvers of recent eTimes: the quick swap of regions between the two in order to make sure that the regions of South Africa are

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[South Africa]Wreck of the Sloop John B

7 Day 555, 01:51 Published in Brazil Brazil

Tactics seem to be the word of the hour between Indonesia and Brazil,the two having performed one of the more famous maneuvers of recent eTimes: the quick swap of regions between the two in order to make sure that the regions of South Africa are

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[South Africa]Wreck of the Sloop John B

3 Day 555, 01:48 Published in USA USA

Tactics seem to be the word of the hour between Indonesia and Brazil,the two having performed one of the more famous maneuvers of recent eTimes: the quick swap of regions between the two in order to make sure that the regions of South Africa are

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[South Africa] Every little bit counts

3 Day 554, 06:44 Published in USA USA

South Africa has been taken over and we need the help of out allies.
Don't worry,I'm not going to ask anything unethical of you,just a vote to help out the citizens that have,of their own accord or not, remained in our native lands.


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