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About my newspaper

Open Wiki page

This is my newspaper, I write good stuff most of the time on a variety of topics. So Vote, Shout, and Sub. Also if you are a new writer PM/friend me and I will be happy to help get you started as a writer.

Do You Know Where Your Tax Dollars Go?

30 Day 1,182, 14:08 Published in USA USA

Despite how the title sounds, this is not some huge article that is going to expose our country as a corrupt organization. This is merely an informative article, that is meant to show the common citizen how their tax dollars are spent. Why would I

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On the Strained Military vs. Politico Relations

27 Day 1,180, 19:39 Published in USA USA

Well would you just look at that butterfly

Seriously though, that time has come again where we are in the midst of … read more »

PANAM: Breaking the Chains that Held us Captive

44 Day 1,179, 14:03 Published in USA USA

For as long as I can remember, the alliance structure in this game has been marred with stupidity and boredom. Like turkey on plain white bread, it has been the same old stuff month in and month out and even year in and year out. It doesn’t take

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I Can See Clearly Now the Rain is Gone

46 Day 1,175, 16:51 Published in USA USA

For the year and a half I have been playing this game, I have often pondered what makes the admin think? Are they super geniuses who are just bored with life that are trolling us? Perhaps they could be a group of manatees swimming around in a tank

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US Political Parties Explained with Crappy Pictures

16 Day 1,172, 19:02 Published in USA USA

We here in the USA take our political parties seriously, for whatever reason. Perhaps it is because our RL political parties suck so we take it out on this game, or perhaps it is because we are all just roleplaying idiots. Anyways, the political

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