I Can See Clearly Now the Rain is Gone

Day 1,175, 16:51 Published in USA USA by Gulden Draak

For the year and a half I have been playing this game, I have often pondered what makes the admin think? Are they super geniuses who are just bored with life that are trolling us? Perhaps they could be a group of manatees swimming around in a tank grabbing “idea” balls for the changes they implement to this game, or they could be just lazy people who would rather play foosball than manage a game. With these theories in mind, I set off to find out what makes the admin act. Where in the world do they get these brilliant ideas from that could not have possibly been duplicated anywhere else on the Internet.Shockingly, I did not have to go far before I was able to figure out their basis for making decisions. I would now like to share my results with you, which are 100% scientifically accurate.

Trust me, I’m a doctor

How the game was: Citizens used to have three shouts which were very valuable in relaying information amongst the country such as important articles and battles.

Admins discover....: Twitter. Twitter is a website that allows a user to post updates on whatever they feel like as long as they are less than 140 characters. You have unlimited posts per day and can say just about whatever you want.

What the admins did: The shout number was raised from 3 to 30 making them pretty much unlimited and the character number is the exact same as Twitter, seriously it is not even one character off. Now citizens are free to “shout” (at least they didn’t use tweet, they had to be a little creative right?) whatever they want and whenever they want, effectively killing the shout.

What a super creative idea

How the game was: A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there existed a time when citizens would work, train, and occasionally receive Gold. There were no boosters or any other extracurriculars just work, train, and fight.

Admins discover....: Mafia Wars. Mafia Wars is a game made most popular on facebook, but it also exists on several other sites. Players of the game boost their stats by completing jobs, in which they gain more experience/skill points. Some jobs may even require you to recruit friends or purchase items, such as weapons, beforehand in order to complete the job.

What the admins did: Replace the word job with mission above and you have eRepublik missions. eRepublik missions require you to purchase items such as weapons before completing a mission and may require you to recruit friends to the game. There is just a one word difference between Mafia Wars and eRepublik missions, sure is creative in here.

How the game was: Prior to today, a citizens land was his/her own. A player could do some digging and figure out who owned what, but it wasn’t right out in front of you like it is now.

Admins discover....: Farmville. Farmville is another game made popular on facebook and is played exactly how it sounds, you own a farm. You have a plot of land and over time your farm grows and people can come check in on you to see how you are doing an leave a message. You also have “farm coins” which are used to purchase new items. You essentially have your own communist empire to toy with.

What the admins did: Replace farm coins with gold and the actual farms with companies and you have the new land feature in eRepublik. Players can come and check in on your companies and I presume before long you will be able to leave someone a message about their companies. Also with the company start up price being lowered to 10G it is now easier to form your own little communist corner of the world. So get to work my little comrades.

Neatly shaped land plots, sure looks familiar

Before I was like you, constantly struggling to figure out why the admins made the decisions they did. However, I can see clearly now, the rain is gone and I hope you can too. By following social networks, we too know the future of eRepublik and are no longer in the dark. Rejoice. Until next time......

Stay thirsty my friends,

Gulden Draak