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Monthly Election Review for the Top 6 Parties

8 Day 543, 21:28 Published in Canada Canada

Yes, the moment you have all been waiting for. Derek Harland's Election Review for the Top 6 Parties is back but it may not be able to top last month's unbelievable article which won me the April article of the month. This article: [url=http://www.

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Hungarian TO Attempt..... Again

14 Day 542, 14:39 Published in Canada Canada

The Hungarians are like pesky little flies, you can never get them to go away and leave you alone. It has now been confirmed that there is another political takeover being attempted by Hungary at this very moment. I was excited to see that the

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Chance to Fight From Canada

4 Day 539, 13:45 Published in Canada Canada

If you have been wanting the opportunity to fight in war, then now is the chance to do that! Bruck and the Ireland president have put together a training war for us. To fight go to this link: Canada/

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My Personal Congress Report Card

17 Day 537, 18:07 Published in Canada Canada

This newspaper had momentum and potential to quickly build up a solid fanbase after a couple successful articles but lately, I have been in a slump. For 9 days now I haven't written an article and finding ideas to right about are hard enough. I

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Participate in Plugson's Survey!

3 Day 528, 11:39 Published in Canada Canada

To all new eCanadians out there who are between 0-2 months old, I strongly encourage you to take part in Plugson's new survey. Here is the link for people who are interested in participating in it: [url=

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