Monthly Election Review for the Top 6 Parties

Day 543, 21:28 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

Yes, the moment you have all been waiting for. Derek Harland's Election Review for the Top 6 Parties is back but it may not be able to top last month's unbelievable article which won me the April article of the month. This article: April article of the month won me 200 CAD and the award for the best article in April. Because of last month's outstanding sucess, I have decided to bring it back from the dead and give you not only the typical election results, but also my opinion on each of the party's election results. Without further ado, let's kick it off.

Canadian Social Democrats

A Canadian Social Democrat election without scandal, accusations or the like? Absurd! Outrageous! Dispicable! In my time in eRepublik this month's CSD party president elections were the best yet. Trenton Rendell and dabman, both fine and deserving candidates battled it out in a close and exciting duel all the way to the end. At the beginning of the election, dabman had a solid ten vote lead but as the day went on, the lead slowly detiorerated and eventually turned into a Trenton Rendell win. Trenton Rendell received 77 votes while dabman received 66 votes. Both competitors were professional and mature about the elections and I applaud them for their behaviour. Personally, I am glad to see that Trenton Rendell won. He seems to have a good relationship with everyone and I think that he is future president material. Plus his proposed cabinet has me in it (obviously a plus). Congrats to Trenton and also a big round of applause for dabman who took over for Cleomynestra Cathak after she quit.

Canadian Empire Party

The last time I did this article I had a nice bit of sarcasm going of how Bruck was a huge surprise to win and shocked everyone. I already used that joke so I can't do it again. Bruck received 155 votes in the election and marcchelala was a close second with 128..... I mean 28. marcchelala has good potential and he seems to be on the verge of breaking out in eCanada but the question needs to be answere😛 Why waste the two gold marcchelala? Although I would've probably preferred if you won, it was obvious Bruck would win the party president elections when he already is the president of eCanada. The Canadian Empire Party received an impressive 183 votes indicating this party is an active and successful one. Congrats to Bruck for doing a great job with the party and winning the election, but I hope we see a new president come June 5, just for the sake of a new president.

Progressive Party of Canada

I woke up this morning with the exciting possibilty of seeing Netfalo winning the PPC elections. He seemed like such an amazing candidate. His campaigning through the whole month of May was just so darn impressive and he seemed like he would do a lot for eCanada if he could take control of the PPC. Unfortunately for everyone, Joey Phillips came from out of nowhere and took the election over, winning by a score of 63 to 31. I am definitely suspecting that Joey is a multi, but I am not 100% sure. All I know is that I don't trust him one bit. Netfalo had so much potential to turn eCanada into a powerhouse and now Joey is probably going to win the president elections and donate all of Canada's money to Hungary or something. Sometimes elections confuse me. Hope you run again soon sometime Netfalo.

Canadian Paradox Party

The Canadian Paradox Party is definitely an up-and-coming party that will very likely be at the top of eCanada soon. Tom Hagen is easily one of the most experienced and veteran players and it is fitting that he won the election again. Hagen beat Adasko by an impressive score of 30-11. Cesar Augustus was third place with 10 votes. The last time I wrote this article I really had no clue what the CPP was about and I didn't know much about Mr. Hagen either. After hearing about this, Hagen requested an interview with me and I started to learn more about him. He also let me run for congress in his party because my party was not in the top 5 parties. Tom Hagen deserved to have won this election and with all due respect to the other candidates, he deserves it the most. Congrats to Tom and also to Adasko and Cesar Augustus for running in the election and good luck with the party.

Parti National du Quebec

In one of the closest and most intense elections of eRepublik history, Miloslav had 46 votes. The only problem was, there were only 46 votes cast. Miloslav was the only person to run for party presidency in the PNQ and to be honest, I am not sure what action this party is taking or what they are planning on doing. So I can't really comment anymore on this. A big congratulations to Miloslav!

Democratic Action League

For the second time, I only included this party because it is my party. Scorpius handily took home the election with 21 votes and he was the only competitor. Scorpius is such a dedicated and active member of the DAL and you really need to know what he does for the party to truly understand his dedication and hard work. Congratulations to Scorpius and I hope you lead us to success in the near future! The second reason I included the DAL in this article was to announce that I, yours truly, will be taking over as vice-president of the Democratic Action League! Hold the applause guys, seriously. *crickets* Well that's just not cool. Congrats to Scorpius once again!

Everyone vote this article back up to the top five so maybe it can win the May article of the month too! Have a great Saturday night everyone!

This is Derek Harland signing off.