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TWO will survive [Slovenian CP]

50 Day 2,071, 08:21 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

As I quietly take a gasp of air and start pouring my thoughts onto this blank paper I want you to think about what has been occurring around eRepublik in the last few days. Not only what has been occurring, but your role in it. Did you do anything

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[Predsednik obvešča]Uradno stališče Slovenije

49 Day 2,061, 21:04 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Pestro dogajanje širom sveta se je tudi tokrat dotaknilo Slovenije. Natančneje zaradi objave logov o Siddyju, ki še naprej buri duhove s … read more »

Siddy's manipulations [personal logs]

128 Day 2,060, 13:15 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

This article reveals a log regarding Siddy's manipulations and how he was brought to power. He talks about the destruction of ONE. Pretty much he plays with everyone. Slovenia will pursue a course where Siddy will be removed from TWO HQ. Worrying

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[Predsednik obvešča]Razlaga nedavnih dogodkov in cilji za prihodnost

38 Day 2,058, 18:49 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Številni članki so se pojavili od objave slovenskega, ki je pričal o našem nezadovoljstvu zaradi stanja v zavezništvu. Bodisi so namigovali na to, da je Srbija ignorirala slovenske interese bodisi so kritizirali trenutno obstoječo srbsko vlado na rač

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Slovenia gives a decisive no to power grabbing in TWO!

280 Day 2,056, 15:49 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Slovenia puts much effort in its diplomacy. We value allies, we respect them, we cherish good relations. But that is not possible when people decide to usurp power in the alliance that was built upon mutual cooperation and not power grabbing.

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