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The second circle of Dio

17 Day 264, 16:15 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

I will give away the meaning of the first circle for free.

Strength lies in knowing oneself. Once someone does not know themselves, they are lost. They become a tool for others.

The Second Circle

Know that snow cannot mark sand.

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The unbroken circle of Dio

25 Day 264, 13:22 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

My children, it is time for me to give you the second holy scripture. The story is from a time long forgotten, from a dimension you can not even begin to imagine. A dimension made of chaos. My homeland. This happened before, during, and after the

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Endure. In enduring, grow strong

34 Day 263, 23:05 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

I am aware of the food crisis in our fine country. To all of you who are worried, I say one thing: Don't Panic. If you starve to death, I will starve with you. We sand boys eat together, and we starve together.

I hereby declare that I will stand

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The truth and return of Viewtiful Elvis, pt3

16 Day 219, 18:27 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

Metal Gear Rabi😛 Cat Eater
Virtual Mission
Day 3

After walking in many rains and eating many tree frogs, JKD found himself in an abandoned warehouse. He had tracked the crashed shuttle through countless infiltrations, romantic meetings with

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The truth and return of Viewtiful Elvis, pt2

15 Day 219, 08:36 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

The pakistani stealth bomber flew high over Siberia. It was enterily transparent, as it was made of glass, and therefor very sneaky. Inside sat three people. Three people and a cat, that is.

JKD003 smoked a cigar. He was very calm, even though it

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