World Superpowers; a comparison of actions.

Day 606, 11:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

The USA, and Hungary.

Recently, a lot of things have happened within the UK;
- a training war
- propaganda
- a trading embargo
- Region swapping with France

But what does this mean? And how does it affect us?

Hopefully in this article I shall draw a comparison of PEACE and ex-ATLANTIS countries, what being in an alliance with them would be like, and recent actions by the two sides in order to draw a sound conclusion as to which side it is logical to side with following the breakout of what is being called a world war.


Fortis; an alliance proposed by the USA, which was to include the United Kingdom, Spain, Canada, and Ireland. Unfortunately, the original idea was that it would have weighted voting this meant that the USA and Spain would have more of a say then the other 3 countries, us included. This immediately caused a few issues, raised by the smaller countries. After a good few weeks of compromising and debate, the weighted voting system was dropped. However, Fortis still seemed to be a non-starter. The USA released an article declaring that Fortis was soon to be launched involving the 5 before mentioned countries. Shortly afterwards, the UK released an official article stating that it had voted to remain neutral at that point in time, instead of joining Fortis.


Hungary is one of, if not the strongest country in eRepublik - based on it's military's strength. Unlike perhaps a few other ex-ATLANTIS countries, the UK had been maintaining good relationships with Hungary, Italy, and other PEACE countries such as France, that isn't news. However, when we, the UK, found ourselves with a Hungarian border, we had many options available to us. An increasing demand from both the Public and the House of Commons for more training wars, the decision was democratically made to propose a contract to Hungary about having a training war over Scotland. Hungary accepted, and the UK was no longer dependant on the USA-Ireland training war, we had taken the initiative to start our own.

Hungarian Training War

For a period of time, Hungary would occupy Scotland. They would then hold battles with the UK for the purpose of training. We can raise health by using hospitals, raise levels by gaining experience, and rank up by doing damage. Not only that, but the costs would be shared, we where open to improve relations by allowing other countries to participate, and it was based around a time zone that was best suited for people who are "Two Clickers". But why were so many feathers ruffled? Well, Scotland has a border with Canada, and where bit worried that Hungary would attack them. To date this hasn't happened, instead the French attacked Canada with a border they had held with them for ages. However, once Scotland fell under possession of Hungary, the UK's media became somewhat swamped, with articles from both the USA, and Canada. They went from the light "Oh you realise Hungary might attack" to the heavy "You traitors". This successfully drowned out slightly more important articles, from the Home Office, and UK officials, and to some extent left many citizens confused. Fortunately the UK Home Office managed to message the huge majority of Scottish citizens and proved many of them with moving tickets to return to UK owned regions.


I suppose the most striking of recent events is the USA's Embargo on the United Kingdom. This basically means that it cuts off all trade. The justification for this was that "The UK wants to remain neutral, so we shall have economic neutrility" or something along those lines. So we are now one of the few countries who is neutral with the USA, who also has an embargo with them. Fortunately for us, there wasn't much we brought from the USA, and transactions can still be made through donations. A bold Statement from the USA, I like to think that they where hoping we'd realise how much we needed them when we lost our privileges...

Region Swaps

Didn't think I'd say this too soon, but the French are a bloody good bunch of people. After taking Nova Scotia, they allowed us to keep hold of it. I was surprised at first too, but it is true, France has given us a region. Now, it can be said the we were only given it, because it makes it a lot easier to defend from anyone trying to take it back, but never the less, it's one of the nicest gifts the UK has received in a long time. Not to mention, we were for a short, but sweet time given Brittany as well.

Where do we go from here?

The answer to many is obvious. After receiving an Embargo from the USA, and from PEACE, a Training war and a region, it wouldn't surprise me if people in the UK are becoming less and less pro-Fortis. I see this as a shame, the US where great fun, as where Canada, until they realised we liked to do things for ourselves once in a while. After all, this is a game, and I'm not speaking for myself when I say this week, has been one of the funnest weeks of our e-Lives. It is unfortunate, that many Canadians and Americans thought it necessary to flood our media, this to me only succeeded in confusing the public and annoying the politicians, thus distancing yourselves from us. A few people don't apply, some Americans have kept a cool head and haven't acted like goons and I praise them for wanting to at least maintain, if not improve relations. The same can of course be said about us, we had our fair share of media in US and Canadian media, but it wasn't even close to the magnitude of "news" we recieved. It is also unfortunate, for our relationship, that whilst this was going on things have only been improving between us and a few of our friends who aren't anything to do with Fortis or ATLANTIS. It can be said, that the timing of it all was a bit unfavourable.

It by no means surprises me that whilst writing this, I have just read that the UK has joined PEACE.

In other News

A friend of mine, Malta_1990 is compiling a list of the UK's 40 most influential citizens. This allows you the option to fill in a form of people who have influenced you, you must be in the UK and must choose people from the UK who have influenced you. You can find an article about it, here.

if you have any questions, you can ask me.

As always. Vote and subscribe.

Mr W.

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