Wombatman25 for Congress! Platform Summary

Day 1,583, 18:57 Published in Canada Canada by Wombatman25

Good evening eCanada,

For those of you who haven't read my campaign articles, they can be found here:

1. Promoting an Active Community
2. Ensuring a Prosperous Economy
3. Maintaining eCanadian Military Supremacy
4. Summary of platform

For those of you who took the time to read all of my articles
- Thank you!
- Please tell me what you thought of my campaign! Not detailed enough? Was there something that you feel should have been covered that I didn't address?

What people are saying about Wombatman25

Gobbee: “All great ideas--a platform based on positive principles”!

Plugson: “Wombat4CP”!

George Beeman: “This guy is teh next Homer/crisfire”

Homer J Simpson: “With players like Wobatman25 stepping up to the plate you better put on sunglasses because the future is bright for eCan”

Klop123: eCanada needs more Wombats! \o/

Jorge Salazar: “You expressed a balanced opinion about eCanadian affairs. That's what eCanada needs to go forward”.

Thanks for all the encouraging comments!

The future is bright eCanada!

Vote for an active community!

Vote for a prosperous economy!

Vote for military supremacy!

Vote for Wombatman25 in British Columbia!