Promoting an Active Community [Wombatman25 for Congress] (Part 1/4)

Day 1,579, 15:37 Published in Canada Canada by Wombatman25

Good day eCanada,

My newspaper, the eCanada Sun, has been active for around a week now. I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions that anyone may have.

You may wonder why I am starting my campaign for congress so early. The reason is that I have many ideas and one article would simply not suffice.

During the next 8 days I will publish my platform in 4 parts. I am running under the EPIC banner in British Columbia!

1. Promoting an active community
2. Ensuring a prosperous economy
3. Maintaining Canadian Military Supremacy
4. Summary of platform

I will stay true to my word and ask you to vote for me because of my platform, not because I will post pictures of boobs or offer you tanks.

Here is a short guide to voting for the right candidate.

Promoting an active community.

Sometimes it seems like everyone is leaving eCanada. From old players going to the US to new players dying on their first week. It is clear that eCanada needs to be a fun place where people will want to stay.

I have several policies that I have tried to promote and that I will continue to promote if elected as a congressman.

Promoting a Babyboom

An eCanadian Babyboom brings many benefits to our country. Check my Previous article to see the benefits.

-The activity brought by new eCanadians is one of these benefits

As congressman, I will continue to promote a Babyoom.

Contests and Games
A good way to ensure an active community is to have games and contest that include many people and have prizes.

Whether it's a trivia contest or a contest to see who can get the most kills; these initiatives get people involved and active.

Programs that provide assistance to new eCanadians
When I first joined eRepublik, several older players sent me food. They helped me get on my feet and ensured that I would continue playing.

- I support programs such as loans to new players to build up their lands. A great example of this is the Construction Program: a program that helped me by reimbursing me for my building purchases.

- I support giving free food and weapons to new players. This fosters a sense of community and allows new players to fight and become engaged in the game.

eCanada needs an active and involved community. As congressman, I will do my utmost to ensure this.

Let's make eCanada fun again!

Vote for Wombatman25 in British Columbia!