Why Canadians Should Move to Spain, and Why Asturias is Critical

Day 625, 17:13 Published in USA USA by Lieutenant Scheisskopf

Now that eCanada has fallen, the people of eCanada must be placed in a position to make the best of their individual and collective abilities and still contribute to the war effort for FORTIS/EDEN. It does not take a rocket scientist to see that the war is going poorly and may likely get worse before it gets better, but it would be foolish for any remaining F/E member state to ignore the potential which thousands of eCanadian citizens can continue to contribute to the war on our behalf, specifically, by moving them in a mass exodus to eSpain through a plan similar to Chris Stanwick's moving tickets program. This way, eCanadians are able to protect the last F/E iron region (Asturias), can still fight in eUS battles, and do not contribute to PEACE's economy by working in occupied territory.

Mass Exodus to eSpain
Zoli made the important observation today that eHungary is unable to directly engage the eUS anymore, and that PEACE's choices in this regard are either to let eHungary attack the eUSA without its MPPs, or that PEACE will attack an F/E ally. Based on past PEACE behavior, it is less likely that eHungary will attack the eUS, so then the opposite scenario becomes more probable. Before falling, Ontario held approximately 2800 eCanadian citizens. If the leaders of F/E want to organize an eCanadian exodus from PEACE lands, the best way to mobilize these resources to the most probable threat would be to move them to the ally whose existence is most beneficial and whose loss would be hardest to accept.

The country most debilitating to lose-- and most beneficial for PEACE to attack apart from the eUS-- would be eSpain; between their iron reserves in Asturias (without which, WE WOULDN'T HAVE ANY MORE WEAPONS), large quantity of Q5 hospitals, and committed citizens, losing eSpain would be tough to swallow. eFrance already has their war with the eSpanish, and we may likely see eHungary support an enlargement of that effort. As a result, we should consider sending eCanadian refugees to eSpain to support their economy and military, and to protect F/E's largest center for iron. This is not to neglect other F/E members, but on a combined cost-benefit analysis, eSpain is the country which we could best protect (given their current size and defense installations) and which would provide the best benefit for keeping safe.

Bringing more eCanadians to Florida and New Jersey does not provide as strong of benefits, nor does it protect our more vulnerable areas, as it would to send the eCanadian resistance fighters to eSpain. In doing so, the potential is there to protect important resources while also possibly giving the rest of F/E time to join in the new front. Even more intriguing would be the possibility of using our MPPs with eSpain against eBrazil, who is also at war with eSpain but without the rest of PEACE, while also giving the eSpanish the protection they would need from the front they have with eFrance.

Starting RWs in eCanada seems to be the more conventional answer, but the recent reapportionment of eCanada amongst PEACE members will make that effort more difficult. The costs of mounting an RW are high and if more regions fall under occupation of larger PEACE members such as eHungary and eIndonesia, it will be harder for those battles to find sustainable success. Although these attacks would be a diversion, they would probably be effective in name only, as 17000 eHungarians could easily trounce an eCanadian insurgency that, at best, would be 1/10 as well-manned.

What the eUS Can Do
For eCanada specifically, the best thing we can do is help evacuate the remaining eCanadians behind enemy lines and send them to friendly territory, ideally eSpain. I can see eUS citizens arguing that the refugees should come to the eUSA and help strengthen our walls, but by going to eSpain, these eCanadians would still be able to fight in our wars. I do not want to sound ignorant of the dangers we face here at home, but the greater benefit for our alliance is that the eCanadians be relocated to eSpain.

Even if PEACE chooses to intensify the ePortuguese, eIndonesian, eFrench, and eRussian fronts in North America, by moving our eCanadian allies to eSpain, they will still be able to fight on our behalf. The upcoming days and weeks will not be easy, but as many have observed, the New World goes through cycles and we will emerge from these darker days as long as we continue to work together. Someday we will recover eCanadian lands and can return them to the eCanadian people. But for now, we need their help and their presence in F/E-held territory.

God Bless America,

Lt. Scheisskopf