WHPR 1744 - Late Breaking White House News ; eNPR Rocks

Day 1,744, 18:26 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
White House Press Room - Day 1744

White House Staff, National Security Council and State Department working out details to ensure security for America.

Dateline: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 (Day 1744)
Location: James S Brady Press Room, The White House

Today's Agenda: White House News; eNPR Rocks; Health is Energy
Did you miss yesterday's paper? WHPR 1743 - Dept of Education Update; eNPR Live Tonight

Your White House at Work for You

Today's paper was held until these items could be cleared for public release.

The US has ended hostilities with Indonesia with a treaty beneficial to mutual security.
The US and Mexico are nearing settlement on a hard-negotiated treaty, also to end hostilities and provide mutual security.
Details of both of these treaties will be forthcoming in the next few days, and will be presented in this newspaper as well as by President Civil Anarchy in his own newspaper.

President Civil Anarchy will, over the next week, begin to guide the US toward withdrawing from many foreign holdings. Congressional elections have become a logistical nightmare due to holding so many regions, resulting in great risks to our national security. It is hoped that many of the disruptive forces will stay where they are heavily invested in these overseas regions, reducing that voting bloc and in turn reducing our domestic security risk. Care is being taken to secure regions, through diplomacy rather than force, to replace some of the resources that will be lost in withdrawing from other regions.

US forces, led by ST-6, have liberated Pakistan.
Pakistan is an ally whose regions have been held by Iran. Iran holds other regions for the same resources, so it's not clear why they had been oppressing Pakistan.

eNPR Veteran Jude Connors reports from the eye of Hurricane Issac

eNPR hits eRepublic at Force 5

Tuesday night's eNPR show came up a couple guests short, but thankfully went long on News. Temp SecMed "Old Fart" Custer was joined by President Civil Anarchy, America's Favorite Canuck Aeriala and others to discuss the recent Impeachment, Can-Am Relations, and the Admins' silly contest.
POTUS candidate Dennis McVicker was on board throughout, with candidate peace of pi waiting impatiently and Alexander_Auctoritas not showing (power outage, we'll get him on Thursday). The earlier Can-Am discussion played well into Dennis McVicker's presentation.

It was a fast paced full-hour show, with America's Favorite Hippie Jude Connors calling in as Hurricane Issac tore up his neighborhood. The full program, including a short aftershow, is available On Demand.

Important Notice:
eNPR will air at 1900 hours (10pm Eastern, 7pm West Coast)

I am given to understand that this time works better for most people.

Thursday night eNPR Oval Office Radio welcomes candidates for US President to call in and make their presentation.
Before your Party primary, without debate, make your pitch to the American people. Show hosts might ask for clarification or elaboration, but this is not a debate format in which you will be confronted. Bring along your Presentation article, read directly from it or speak off-the-cuff, and post your link in the #eNPR chat room.
Drop me a game mail to confirm if you're coming. I'll need your phone area code and prefix to identify you to get you on the air.

Next Tuesday night, Election Eve, eNPR will host another classic Bigass POTUS Debate, featuring the final balloted candidates and a Guest Moderator to be announced.

So, You Think You Can Dance?
Want to join the Media Department next month?
See yesterday's paper for this segment.

Health is now Energy
By now you've probably already figured it out. Hit the Social/Entertainment for articles explaining it as well as either praising or whining about it.
SecDef Gnilraps has published a special edition of the DoD, his evaluation of how this change will affect the cost of fighting.
[DoD] Special Report - Health Meter Changes

eNPR Oval Office Radio airs live every Tuesday and Thursday night, at 18:00 eRep (9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific). Tune in to the radio show, join the text chat at #eNPR (on the Rizon server), and call in!

Important Notice:
eNPR will air at 1900 hours (10pm Eastern, 7pm West Coast)

I am given to understand that this time works better for most people.

eNPR Tuesday, August 28:
eNPR Thursday, August 30:
eNPR Tuesday, Sept 4:

If you miss any live radio show, you can listen at your leisure, at eNPR Oval Office Radio.
If you do Facebook, be sure to "Like" NPR - eUSA Radio.

Recommended Reading:

National Unity Party news by Adam Pro: Interview with current president Civil Anarchy

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George Armstrong Custer Secretary of Media


WHPR Day 1744
Late Breaking News from the White House