Who Would You Fight?

Day 610, 01:30 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

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7 Congress Medals

13 Hard Worker Medals

6 Media Mogul Medals

2 Country President Medals

13 Resistance Hero Medals

8 Super Soldier Medals

4 Society Builder Medals

100 Battle Hero Medals

Holy Shi... I remember when BattalGazi passed the One Million Damage mark. It was not that long after Euphonix was the first to pass 1,000,000 damage mark. BattalGazi had about 800,000 damage at that time and is now closing in on 3,000,000. I still haven't achieved FM yet. Geezus.

Some of BattalGazi's favourite Battle Hero Medals were the then famous Battle of Ontario, in WW3. That one stung me personally as it ended my country (basterd 😛). I remember watching that battle. It wasn't going all that bad til I saw BattGazi show up and then the numbers just went thru the roof against my eCanada.

Click on image for Battle Stats

Downtown Toronto, the day Ontario fell.
He did not win the BHM in this battle
but it remains as one of his all time favourites.
BattalGazi: Centre-Top

Click on image for battle stats

BattalGazi destroyed this patio cafe in Asturias,
much to the consternation of the French occupiers.

Click on image for battle stats

Limpopo: Battle 10,000 for Argentina.
We don't know which one BattalGazi is
as there were no survivors. This image
was taken from a camera from a dead
Spaniard soldier. I wouldn't be surprised
if he was Godzilla.

Click on image for battle stats

US Forces after the recent RW attempt of
Liaoning, eSerbia

The Rhone Alps battle was also one of his favourites. It ended Poland's High Wood and truncated their empire. Thousands of Poles were left behind - forced to tolerate good whine and cheese.

BattalGazi in Rhone Alps.
Only a fool would oppose him.
Okay, the dragon isn't BattalGazi.
He's the rider. eheh

The recent flurry of battles for eHungary's original regions in the War In Flames campaign have been quite fun for BattalGazi - Central Hungary especially has been his most desired haunt to visit.

It is one thing to go around looking for a battle where you think you can pull off a BHM, but this guy goes and finds the biggest, most game changing battles in eRepublik to fight in for his medals.

BattalGazi: At this time is the most terrifying thing to see on the battlefield if you are up against him - whether for Battle Hero Medal of if you're on the opposing force.

His personal damage exceeds that of most ENTIRE BATTLES aggregate totals!

The only thing in the world Eugene Harlot hates is seeing BattalGazi on the battlefield.

This is anyone who thinks that they have
a Battle Hero Medal all sewn up when BattalGazi
shows up...



Charles. I'd fight Prince Charles.

Tall, lanky - good reach. Skinny guys fight til they're burger.

* * *

On another note, I'd like to say that after my unjust Permanent Ban, and subsequent lost appeals -

I am back.

...and I am eCanada's smirking revenge.

The day before the attack on Nova Scotia - beginning the eGreat War, I came home from a 16 hour day, sat down to work and write an article (my previous Newspaper: "The Soap Box&quot😉. Had to buy more iron to make more Q1 guns in my weapons company. Had to see if there was a training war on...gotta get experience. Level 16 was only a few days away...Marla won't play again. Marla liked eRepublik. Now Marla go away.

I had just given away 5 Q1 weapons to young eCanadians. I planned on giving away 5 more the following day - the workers were very productive, and rewarded. You know who you are, and I thank you for your loyalty and contribution.

And now it's all gone.

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

Flash forward - Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Nova Scotia - Gone, then the turncoat eUK government attacked eFrance and now occupies NS
PEI - Gone, then reclaimed, now in battle again
Nunavut - Gone
Manitoba - Gone - now eMerican occupied.
Newfoundland & Labrador - Gone
Alaska - eUSA lost to eRussia, taken back by eCanada (oh yeah), now in battle again.
Washington - eUSA lost to eRussia, taken back by eCanada
Quebec - our only source of domestic iron - Gone.

(PEACE GC is going for FORTIS iron regions. No iron - no weapons. Utah is gone, Nevada is in battle. Arizona will be attacked next, and California will be isolated.)

If ever we were free to forge our own destiny - it is now!

With every battle we gain confidence.

With every defeat we gain resolve.

With every victory, we gain solidarity.

We must win, for all who have come before us, whose exploits we are proud to call our history.
We must win, for all those who shall follow in our footsteps.
We must win, for the sake of independence of sovereign eNations.

On the day we are triumphant, I propose a new holiday to mark the occasion which eCanada & eUSA will shall...so long as the eRepublik lives!

Long live the eRepublik!

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